Our last week of Term 1!

We have reached the end of Term 1 in Primary 2. So far we have had lots of fun. We have enjoyed playing with new friends and old friends. We love our school and our new class. We have also learned a lot this term.

We have learned about tens and units. (Sarim)

We have had so much fun learning outside. (Nimrah)

We have learned how to do adding sums. (Fatima)

We have been learning to count up and down in 10s. (Adyan)

We have been learning how to do take away sums. (Kamran)

We have been learning how to tell the time. (Eesa)

We have learned that the big hand on a clock tells us if it is O’clock, and the small hand tells us the hour. (Quasim)

We have learned how to be kind and respectful to each other. (Hamza)

We have learned how to read books. (Tayiba and Fatima)

We have learned so much more than this, but now need to stop for our party!


We hope you all have a lovely, safe holiday. We are looking forward to seeing each other again in Term 2.


From P2 x


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