Good morning boys and girls,
Here is a great project that you might like to get involved in for our school’s Eco Schools work. Remember that you can do a bit each day and you don’t have to do it all on any one day.
This link:
will take you to a page where you can do some Eco Schools learning at home. Click on the green website address and then the blue link that appears and that should take you to the page.
One of the tasks I would like you to do is ‘Design a pocket garden’. Eco Schools are looking for exciting and unusual garden designs that use edible plants, plants that attract wildlife and will reuse something which would otherwise have been thrown away.
You will need to do a bit of research online for this to find out about plants that can be eaten and those that are good for bees and butterflies and come up with ideas to use old things in your garden instead of throwing them out. Would you believe that we once re-used an old toilet as a plant pot in our very first Eco garden years ago and old welly boots to grow plants in? When we get back to school I will be asking for donations of old items like these that we could use for growing things in. There are lots of good ideas online for this sort of thing.
There are some great Eco resources online to help you.
Visit for 9 downloadable ‘How to…’ guides for gardening and helpful links.
There are some great tips on Gardening with children from the BBC.
You can send your pocket garden designs to the Keep Scotland Beautiful website. You might even get your garden put on their website for all to see. Please take a photo of your designs and send them to me at my glow address:
Thanks and good luck with your designing.
Miss Brooks