During our Sustainability topics in term 1 2018-19 the whole school had been learning about a variety of sustainability related issues. We had learned in our Science classes about renewable energy in its different forms and the benefits of Solar energy as a clean energy that does not add to climate change. Energy is one of the three topics we have been working on in our Eco Schools journey. The Eco Committee found out about a charity called Solar Aid. This charity supplies solar lamps to people in developing countries, to replace the dangerous kerosene lamps that are used for light in the evenings.
These solar lamps are particularly useful for young people who would be trying to study in the evenings to improve their life chances. We decided to make a donation of £40 from our Eco fund to this wonderful charity. This would supply 10 solar lights to those who really need them. You can see some of our Eco Committee members in the picture below with Mrs Connell our office manager holding the cheque which was ready to send. We received a thank you certificate from Solar Aid in the post. You can also see this in the pictures below. We were happy to have been able to make a difference to the lives of these young people and their families.