Sunny Govan Radio Trip P7

So First we walked to the Subway, we bought our tickets and we boarded the Subway to Govan. We had 3 \Serbian visiting teachers with us. When we arrived at the radio station we were met by Heather, who is in charge and makes sure everyone is quiet. We made Jingles in groups of 4 and some of us worked with Jim. We made a St. Albert’s Jingle and did some for Sunny Govan too. The Serbian teachers helped us with ideas and spelling. We then recorded the jingles and put it all together. The Serbian teachers also recorded part of the jingles but did it in their first language which is Serbian. We used microphones, speakers and we saw how the mixing desk worked. We had a lot of fun but at the start it was a bit confusing as we weren’t sure how to do this or what to write about and say. Heather gave us some ideas, like “Unity in the Community” and ” Your Station Your Creation” and also STARS which stands for St. Albert’s Radio Station. We learned about a few jobs such as a Radio show Host / presenter/ Station manager. WE also met Brian who was writing scripts for shows and researching. We would love to go again as it was great fun and we were allowed to express ourselves.

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