Week 5

Hello Everyone,

Welcome to Week 5 of our Elmer Transition Project.

We’ve been really enjoying seeing all your amazing efforts for our Elmer Project.  This week we are going to be looking at all the things that make you special.

Here are some special challenges.

week 5

  1. Elmer and Wilbur

Mrs Adam is the Head Teacher of Quarry Brae Primary School.  She wanted to read one of our Elmer stories for you.  We hope you enjoy!


2. Watch the Elephants

Watch the elephants at Sand Diego Zoo on their live web cam.  Do they look and act like you thought they would?  What do they do while you are watching them?

San Diego Zoo Elephant Cam


3. Good Listening

Elmer’s wonderful ears should help him to be a good listener.  Make a pair of listening ears and tell your adult about how you will show you are a good listener in school.

Try to play a listening game.  Here is an example; if you hear 1 clap then jump, if you hear 2 claps do a spin.




4. Teacher challenge

The P1 teachers challenge this week is to use a pair of scissors.  Can you hold them properly?  Can you cut in a straight line?  Can you cut a curved line?

In school, when we have to move with scissors we hold them like they are a bunch of flowers.

When you can do this, put a sticker on your chart!