The Rainbow Fish Transition Project

This is the project we worked on in 2020.

For information on the current transition project please click on the Elmer link


The Eastbank Learning Community plans a transition project every year which all of our Pre-five and Primary Schools embark on.  This project brings together all pre-school children, Pre-five staff, P1 staff and P6 children who act as buddies.   Unfortunately this year we were unable to run this project as we would like. 

At Quarry Brae Primary, we have decided to try to run a transition project online, sharing ideas and getting everyone working together.  We have decided to use a project that we have previously run which was a big hit; The Rainbow Fish!  We will be using the story of The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister.   The P1 teachers will then do more exciting activities based on this story when the children move into P1.  

We will be posting weekly activities and sharing some of the feedback we get from you.  We are going to include our whole school community.

We hope there are some activities that your child will find fun, and want to join in with.  Look out for more information as it becomes available.