Week 1

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Hello Everyone,

Welcome to our Elmer Transition Project.  By now, you should have received your special Elmer pack.

This week we have set you some special challenges.

week 1 Elmer challenge

1.Enjoy the story of Elmer.

You can watch David McKee, the author of the story, read it here.

Elmer by David McKee

Or you can watch Mrs Young and Miss Smith read the story here.

2. Have a stretch

In Primary 1, we love to do Cosmic Yoga.  Have a go at following Jamie.

Squish the Fish Cosmic Yoga

3.  Show your support.

Can you decorate an Elmer and put it up in your window?  We have some Elmer pictures up in our P1 class windows.  You might be able to spot them when you walk past.

4.  Teacher Challenge

This week, Mrs Young and Miss Smith would like you to have a go at putting on and taking off your coat by yourself, and trying to do the zip or buttons.  When you can do this, put a sticker on your Elmer chart.