Our Partners – Glasgow Airport

We have lots of exciting upcoming events with Glasgow Airport this session. For more information on our partnerships, please contact Mrs Marshall via the contact us page of this site.

How to Land Your Dream Job

Our S6 pupils will be participating in an interview workshop with representatives from Glasgow Airport.  Pupils learn how to prepare for interview before undertaking interviews with employees from a variety of sectors within Glasgow Airport. This is ideal training as pupils prepare for interviews at university, college, apprentices or in relation to employment.

Office Bearers Leadership Training

Our S6 Office Bearers will undertake leadership training with senior managers of Glasgow Airport. The training will enable them to learn and discuss potential scenarios that they will encounter this academic year in their role as Office Bearers.

Work Inspiration Day

S3 pupils are invited to attend Glasgow Airport to experience and learn about the different roles and career opportunities Glasgow Airport has to offer. Anyone who is interested please see your Pastoral Care teacher or Mrs Marshall.

Our Partners – Apple Buchanan Street – Creative Industries

For more information on our partnerships please contact Mrs Marshall via the contact us page of this site.

Creative Industries pupils present their business plan to Apple!

‘As part of our project for Creative Industries class we have been developing our own brand of make-up called ‘Rouge’. We have created our own logo and branding whilst carrying out market research to ensure that we created a product that people wanted. As a result we created the Rouge Lipstick. As part of our presentation Nagoul, Treasure and I visited Apple Buchanan Street. We were given a task by the Business Team to present our ideas in the boardroom ‘Dragon’s Den Style’. An Apple trainer helped us with the software and we were given one hour to create a presentation.

Once we had created our presentation we were sent to the boardroom to deliver it in front of Head of Marketing for Apple in Scotland, Head of Business for Apple in Scotland and the Store Manager. Our presentation was a success and after some tough questioning, all three Apple representatives said they would invest in us.

Overall this was a worthwhile and enjoyable experience. It was an opportunity that we could not refuse. How many pupils can say they have presented a business plan in front of a billion dollar company!? Being in the Apple Store was very exciting for us and we really enjoyed our time.’

By Morooge S6


S2 English Language Research

S2 pupils undertook a sociolinguistic project researching the use of ‘like’ as a discourse marker and a quotative in natural conversations.

A discourse marker (‘filler’) is a word or phrase that is added to a sentence but doesn’t change the overall meaning of the sentence e.g. ‘well’, ‘you know what I mean?’, ‘okay’, and ‘like’.  A quotative is a word used to mark quoted speech. E.g. “…and then he was like, ‘you’ll need to have your work tomorrow’.

Before our research pupils felt – in line with common perception – that the discourse marker ‘like’ and the quotative ‘to be like’ were examples of ‘bad English’; pointing to the seemingly random nature of its use and its lack of an apparent function in conversation. Another common assumption was that it is used mainly by younger, female speakers.

S2 pupils gathered data from conversations, transcribing it and analysing it in order to answer these questions:

  1. What is the most common function of ‘like’?
  2. Do younger or older speakers use ‘like’ more?
  3. Do more males or females use ‘like’?
  4. Do native or non-native English speakers use ‘like’ more?

Pupils had the opportunity to develop their numeracy as well as research and enquiry-based skills throughout the learning process. The research was written up as individual dissertations and as a poster presentation.

Parents’ Evenings 2017/18

Parents’ Evenings for the 2017/18 session:

S1 – Thursday 5th October 2017

S2 – Tuesday 20th February 2018

S3 – Thursday 25th January 2018

S4 – Thursday 9th November 2017

S5 and S6 – Tuesday 21st November 2017

Appointment sheets will be issued nearer the time. If you are unable to attend, please contact your daughter’s Pastoral Care teacher.

S2 Arran Trip

On Wednesday the 20th of September, S2 are heading to Arran. The young people’s outdoor learning will cover all aspects of environmental sampling and help them progress to their John Muir award.

Information letters and permission slips will be given to young people W/B 4/09. We need these returned ASAP please (along with a payment of £5 to help us with costs).

Here’s hoping for a good day weather wise and a great day of science.

Consultation on School Holidays – 2018-2020

Glasgow City Council have asked that the following information be shared with parents/carers.

Dear Parents,

The current pattern of school term dates, holidays and In Service days is set until July 2018.

Glasgow City Council has developed a draft calendar for the following two years and wants to hear the views of parents, carers, pupils, staff and the wider public before the dates are finalised. Continue reading “Consultation on School Holidays – 2018-2020”

Office Bearers 2017/18

We are delighted to announce our office bearers for the 2017/18 term.

Head Girl – Rebecca Bateman
Secretary – Amy McLure
Sports Captain – Maame Danquah

House Captains

Iona – Elli McKeown
Melrose – Malaika Anwar
Trinity – Leah McCabe

We wish the girls every success in the year ahead.

Exam Results and New Session

Congratulations to our young people receiving their examination results this week. Once again, our S4 results are the highest ever achieved at Notre Dame which places young people in an excellent position as they embark on their fifth year studies. Well done to Pati Alonso of S4 who achieved nine passes at National 5.  Pupils in S5 and S6 also achieved some outstanding results with a number of girls achieving 5 Higher passes at “A” grade. In addition, Leah McCabe and Joanne Tahaney of S5 enhanced their academic profile by achieving success in four Highers and Advanced Higher Music. Good luck to our outgoing sixth year pupils as they begin the next stage of their life journey. Remember girls, you are always welcome at Notre Dame High should you need help or advice with decisions around your next steps.

It has been great to see so many of you collecting your new uniforms this week. We are looking forward to hearing your views on the new blazer option and the service provided by our new uniform supplier, Logoxpres.

We hope that our pupils and their families have enjoyed a relaxing summer holiday. Remember that school will resume for all pupils at 8.50 a.m. on Tuesday 15 August and we look forward to welcoming our new first year pupils.

Rosie Martin

Head Teacher

Notre Dame High School

“Ah! Qu’il est bon, le bon Dieu!”

P7/S1 Visit – Monday 15th, Tuesday 16th, Wednesday 17th

All pupils joining S1 in August 2017 should report to the school from 8.30am onwards. Mrs Henderson (DHT) is the main point of contact during the visit.

All pupils must arrive by 8.50am. All parents/carers must register their daughter and return a consent form for Monday’s trip. If you have lost the form you can collect and complete a new one during registration. Continue reading “P7/S1 Visit – Monday 15th, Tuesday 16th, Wednesday 17th”

P7 into S1 – Important Information

Parents/Carers of pupils who wish to join our new S1 cohort on placing request should now have received letters in the post. Now that we have permission to do so, we will send our own correspondence out tomorrow. The letter we will send to you provides details of our P7 transition days which take place on Monday 15th, Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th May.

If you submitted a placing request after the local authority deadline, it is unlikely that you will receive a letter from Glasgow City Council before Monday of next week at the earliest.

Should you have any queries or concerns about your daughters place in S1 then please contact us using the form on the Contact Us page of this website.

Email from school

We believe that some email providers will filter our emails to your junk mail folder. For this reason, some replies that we may have sent to enquiries submitted online may not appear in your inbox. This is because the suffix in our email address is unknown to many email providers. Please check your junk folder if you are yet to receive a response in your inbox.

P7 into S1 Enrolment

Parents/Carers of P7 girls should receive confirmation of placing requests for S1 in the coming weeks. We will contact parents/carers by post as soon as we are given permission to do so. We do not anticipate that Glasgow City Council will issue letters of confirmation any earlier than Friday 21st April 2017. We will also begin the process of liaising with your daughter’s primary school after the Easter break.

Our three day transition visit takes place on Monday 15th, Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th May.

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