Morgan Stanley Work Insight Tour

Recently senior phase students studying Business Technology visited Morgan Stanley for a work insight tour. It was a very interesting and worthwhile trip which we all enjoyed. We were given a brief presentation about the company and the different committees within the company. We were then told about the different things they do out with the company, for example charity work and fundraising or visiting schools, donating kindles for pupils to support their learning. They then talked to us about the different ways people have joined Morgan Stanley, for example some people have taken internships or apprenticeships before working full time with the company. We also had female employees from different departments of the company come and tell us how they joined Morgan Stanley and their experience within the company. It was inspiring to see so many women working in a career that has previously been considered a male dominated field. The majority had no intention of going into that field but when they joined Morgan Stanley they found a job they enjoyed. They also talked about how Morgan Stanley has offices all around the world and that some departments have the opportunity to visit, for example the New York office or Mumbai office. They then gave us a tour of the building, and to be honest that was probably one of the reasons why the people like their job as they had a gym and a very fancy canteen. But what I took from this experience is the idea that the majority of the people we talked said they were in the exact position a lot of the 5th and 6th years are in now; the fact that we are beginning to identify the route we would like to take when we leave school. I thoroughly enjoyed this experience and look forward to many more.

Zaina S5


Parent Council

Your Elected Members for session 2017/’18 are:

  • Michelle Watt, Co-Chair (daughter in S5)
  • Ciaran Ewins, Co-Chair (daughter in S2)
  • Kath Brough, Church Representative (daughter in S4)
  • Mrs Henderson, DHT, Parent Council Treasurer
  • Rebecca Bateman, Head Girl, and School Secretary Amy McLure will represent our student body at future meetings

Please visit the ‘Parents and Carers’ page of the website to find out how to contact our Parent Council.

Caritas Award

Love – caritas – is an extraordinary force . . .

Pope Benedict XVI, Westminster Cathedral, 17th September 2010

The Pope Benedict XVI CARITAS AWARD encourages and promotes the ongoing faith journey of young people. It recognises that some are already active and committed within their homes, schools, parishes and dioceses and it invites others to respond to God’s call of love. It supports and celebrates the faith witness which young people give within their communities. Continue reading “Caritas Award”

National Improvement Framework – Parental Survery

The National Parent Forum for Scotland are encouraging all parents/carers to complete an important survey.  They have asked that schools share the following message.

This questionnaire will help us find out what matters to parents about their school and their child’s education, focusing on what needs to done to make the improvements we all want to see. The Education (Scotland) Act 2016 places a duty on the Scottish Government to review the National Improvement Framework each year, providing parents with the opportunity to express their views and have regard to any such views.

You can access the survey here –

Our Partners – Saint Hairdressers

For more information on our partnerships please contact Mrs Marshall via the contact us page of this site.

Saint Hairdressing are offering a three day work experience placement to interested S4 pupils. Pupils will have the opportunity to learn about the different aspects of working in a hairdressers including; front of house, media and advertising, customer relations, hairdressing skills and working as part of a team. Any pupil who is interested should see their Pastoral Care teacher or Mrs Marshall

Our Partners – Scottish Enterprise

For more information on our partnerships please contact Mrs Marshall via the contact us page of this site.

Scottish Enterprise worked with EAL pupils last session on developing their employability and interview skills. Pupils worked with employees of Scottish Enterprise and interpreters to learn about recruitment process, prepare an application and apply for a job. Pupils then took part in tasks that allowed them to apply for their chosen job before participating in a series of mock interviews, receiving immediate feedback.

Our Partners – CMS Cameron McKenna Law

For more information on our partnerships please contact Mrs Marshall via the contact us page of this site.

We have a long standing partnership with CMS Law and continue to benefit from their experience when preparing pupils for a career in law.

Reflection by Sabrina.

Ten pupils with an interest in pursuing a career in Law attended a Career Insight Day at CMS Law Firm. When we arrived we were joined by two other schools and put into groups. We each had our own booklet which contained a range of tasks to complete. Each group had one lawyer from the firm to help us complete Continue reading “Our Partners – CMS Cameron McKenna Law”

Our Partners – STEM Event

For more information on our partnerships please contact Mrs Marshall via the contact us page of this site.

Strathclyde University, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow Airport, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, Analog Devices and BAE Systems delivered workshops to S2 pupils to develop their skills in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Pupils also learned about possible career opportunities involving STEM.

Our Partners – Apple Buchanan Street – Learning Visits

For more information on our partnerships please contact Mrs Marshall via the contact us page of this site.

Pupils from Business Technology, Drama and Music have participated in a variety of Apple Field Trips during the last academic session. The image shown below is taken from our Computing Science trip, where the girls worked with Apple staff to solve a range of programming problems.

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