At King’s Park Secondary School we are against any form of discrimination and proactive in educating our young people about it. The equalities act of 2010 makes it unlawful to discriminate against someone on the grounds of any of these characteristics: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion/belief, sex (gender) and sexual orientation. These are often referred to as protected characteristics.
Rights Respecting School
At King’s Park we are very proud to have achieved our Rights Respecting School status. This award shows our dedication to championing the rights of our young people.
King’s Park Secondary School has a zero tolerance approach to bullying. In PSE we teach about bullying and reinforce our anti-bullying message, this is underpinned by our anti-bullying policy. Please do not hesitate to contact Pastoral Care if you suspect bullying is taking place. More information on bullying can be found via the following link: https://anti-bullyingalliance.org.uk/
We are very proud to have established this programme at King’s Park Secondary. Many staff and young people have been trained in this excellent initiative which strongly supports Health and Wellbeing.
In King’s Park Secondary School we have our LGBT and friends club. This club take place every Thursday lunchtime in social subjects. Everyone is welcome and no sign up is necessary.
Changing Facilities
The school provides separate changing facilities with individual cubicles for any young person who, for whatever reason, would like to have access. Please speak to pastoral care who can organise this.
Youth Parliament
We ensure young people have their say in the decision making processes in our school through our Youth Parliament. A number of meetings are held each academic session with elected young people able to represent their peers. Below is a picture of when our Youth Parliament Team attended the European Youth Parliament Forum in the City Halls.
Learner Participation Group
Our learner participation group meets a handful of times each academic session and gives a platform for our young people to express their views and bring about positive change for our school community. Below is a picture from our first Learner participation conference held in Ardoch, Loch Lomond.
School Captains
Our elected school captains play a vital role in ensuring young people have further representation when it comes to decision making within our school community.
Young Ambassadors
To promote pupil voice and leadership regarding Health and Wellbeing we participate in Active Schools Young Ambassadors programme every academic session. Two young people are selected to attend the Young Ambassadors Conference at Glasgow City Chambers where they undergo some training to support them to come back to school and take forward their ideas to promote and develop wellbeing in school.
Keeping King’s Park Young People Safe
This is a bulletin sent out to pupils, parents and carers at various points throughout the session with helpful advice on keeping our young people safe. For example, in October our issue has a focus on firework and bonfire safety.