Pathways to the Senior Phase: Applications of Mathematics

National 4/5 Applications of Mathematics

Learners will use a range of mathematical concepts and relationships, applying skills in finance, geometry, measurement and statistics within real-life mathematical contexts. These courses are less algebraic than Maths courses, designed for students who wish to continue in maths without pursuing further education or career in science or engineering. Maths National 5 or Applications of Maths National 5 are essential for anybody who wishes to pursue a career in teaching.


Applications of Maths National 4: Learners are assessed on the outcomes for each unit throughout the year, with the Added Value Unit assessment at the end of the year. These assessments are completed internally.

Applications of Maths National 5: Learners are assessed by a final examination at the end of the year. This examination makes up 100% of the final mark. The final examination comprises two papers: • Non-Calculator (45 marks) • Calculator (65 marks). Any learner who does not sit the final exam has the option of completing ‘Units Only’. These assessments are completed internally.


Higher Applications of Mathematics

The Higher Applications of Mathematics course focuses on developing the mathematical and analytical skills required in society and for the future workforce. The course develops learners quantitative and mathematical literacy, problem-solving skills and reasoning skills as they apply mathematics in real-life contexts. The skills, knowledge and understanding in the course supports learning and further study and builds confidence in a wide range of curricular areas, such as humanities, social sciences, healthcare, and business.


The assessment of Higher Applications of Maths consists of an internal project (30 marks) and a final examination paper (80 marks)

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