Medical & Healthcare
Should a child become ill during the school day, a parent or designated person will be contacted and asked to collect them to take them home. It is therefore essential that the school be given an emergency contact number. If a pupil requires hospital treatment and a parent/designated person cannot be contacted, then the pupil will be taken there in the care of a member of sta.
Parents and Carers should inform the school of any medical requirements relating to their child. If a young person requires medication during the school day, parents and carers must complete the appropriate medical form. This is available, on request, from the School Office.
Pupil Absence
Within King’s Park Secondary School, good attendance is encouraged at all times to ensure pupil success. Parents and carers are asked to advise if their child is going to be absent as early as possible on the first day of absence. If the young person is going to be absent for some time, it would be helpful to know at the earliest opportunity. The school uses daily text messaging to inform parents and carers of a young person’s absence if no contact has been made. All unexplained absence is investigated by our PT Pupil Support Team and appropriate action is taken. All calls must be made to the Pupil Absence Reporting Line on 0141 287 0039. The line is open between 08:00 – 15:30 Monday to Friday. Alternatively, you can use the online form on the Glasgow City Council website at
Appointments During School
If your child has an unavoidable appointment, please give them a letter for their Pupil Support teacher or phone the school absence line to ensure that they have permission be absent from class.