Holy Cross Primary School


Perfect Patterns

January 25, 2019 by Mrs Marletta | 0 comments

Primary 1 are learning about pattern. They have been looking for patterns in the world around them, in buildings, in nature, in their own clothing (school ties are a great example!).

Today they had a go at creating their own patterns. They used shape and colour to create different repeated patterns. They used peg boards, beads, shape boards and arts & crafts to bring their patterns to life. They also used the interactive boards to complete a pattern challenge.

Ask them about what they learned today. Why not have a go at creating your own patterns, we would love to see what you come up with!


January 17, 2019
by Miss O'Neill

🌪 The Fujita Damage Scale 🌪

⭐️ HELLO EVERYONE ⭐️ The Fujita Scale has six classifications to show the severity, strength and speed of a tornado. We drew detailed pictures to illustrate the damage that is caused at each stage on the Fujita scale. Check them … Continue reading

January 16, 2019
by Miss Greene

G’Day from Primary 7b

Primary 7’s topic this term is Australia. We have been learning lots this week about Australian culture and customs. In ICT, we researched different cities in Australia and will use the information gathered to create our own interactive journals about … Continue reading

January 16, 2019
by Miss O'Neill

Tornado Time 🌪

Primary 5’s new topic is Natural Disasters. This week, P5a have learned all about tornadoes 🌪 In maths, we are learning to read bar charts for information so we studied graphs that showed the number of tornadoes across different states in America. … Continue reading

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