Tag Archives: school library

Plans for 2024 at Cleveden

2023 was one of the most eventful years yet at Cleveden and the Library Assistants have been busy in January planning how to make the library even better in 2024:

‘I love working in the library, it’s usually so peaceful and chill. In 2024. In 2024, I’m going to work on making the library more relaxing because it can get a bit crazy sometimes’ HT (S2)

‘I love working in the library, it gives me a sense of comfort when other things get too much. I like the library’s peacefulness. Putting books in order and putting them on the shelf keeps me more active than PE! I like the sounds the books make when I put them on the shelf so in 2024 I hope to do that more often’ LL (S2)

‘The library is an amazing place and I still enjoy working as an assistant. In 2024, I plan to work on making more creative posters and displays and to keep asking Colin for more jobs to improve my skills as an assistant because I am proud to be part of the library!’ AW (S2)

‘I love when the library at my school is open because when our librarian is here I have someone to talk to. I wish it was open more. Working in the library gives me the opportunity to take on lots of responsibilities, I would like to do more book sorting and labelling in 2024 because I don’t like when the shelfs get messed up. And it’s so obvious that the more work we do, the better our treat/pay is on a Tuesday. Hopefully Cake Pops for writing this?’ KC (S2)

January in St Paul’s

Happy New Year and welcome to the first blog post of 2024 🥳

New Furniture 🛋️

This month the library received some new furniture, kindly donated by Silverburn Shopping Centre. We now have two lovely new seated areas that can be used for private study, quiet reading or small group work.

Reading Schools 📚

Our senior Reading Ambassadors have been working with the Rights Respecting Schools group to create a display around the theme of Identity tying in with Holocaust Memorial Day on 27th January.

Newsletter 📜

The library newsletter is being sent out to all staff and parents this week. It’s full of recommendations, library news and activities.



Go to this Sway


January’s author visit and more in 2024

Eastbank School Library was super lucky to have Neil Slorance as a visiting author this month.  Neil is an illustrator who has worked with many well known clients such as the BBC, STV, Titan Comics  – and contributed to the official Dr Who comic books.

Our S3 pupils took part in a session where Neil demonstrated how to build characters.   The pupils went on to draw their own ideas with guidance and tips from Neil, finally creating an individual comic strip narrative.  You can see how interested and hard working our pupils were during the session below.  And thanks go to the Scottish Book Trust Live Literature Scheme, who part-funded the session.

 We would love to have Neil back again soon.

It has been such a busy start to 2024 in the library here at Eastbank Academy.   I think with everyone being off school in the Christmas break, they’ve tidied their rooms and brought back lots of books at the start of term.  In one single afternoon, from a tidy desk at midday, the library returns desk looked like this !

But on the other hand, January often is a time when we’re stuck inside as the weather is awful, we can’t get out and play sports or anything – so instead we like to have some of our favourite books to read and enjoy.  I think all these things have combined together and left our football book spinner as bare as last year’s Christmas tree in January !   Pupils – please bring back all the overdue books as soon as you can, especially the football collection, manga and the Wimpy Kid books.  Other pupils are waiting to read them and the bookcase is missing being full.

Last, but by no means least, we have more brilliant books just added to the library bookshelves.  Come and see them soon.  In particular, we are loving Ultra Wild by Steve Mushin.  Even the cover art is amazing !  Ultra Wilde is a series of very detailed comic strips which give wild, extreme and wacky ways we could help to return cities to the wild and combat climate change.  Although lots of fun, it really highlights the problems we have with urban environments co-existing with nature.  Steve’s narrative describes how we got to where we are today in modern cities, and how science around bringing nature back in to cities is possible.  It’s such a fun book as the ideas are taken to the extreme with instructions even on how to put a cannon into your toilet – so much fun! But again, it gives lots of interesting ideas and data on climate change as well, making it really useful.  Get it out on loan today – you will love it.

** For more information on the illustrator Neil Slorance please visit his website – www.neilslorance.com

***And for more information about the Ultra Wild book please see www.ultrawild.org

December/January @ St. Andrew’s

Happy new year from the librarian and library helpers! 

After an excellent Christmas, 2024 looks like it will have a number of excellent things happening in and around the library. Today, we will give you a sneak peak of some of the many new books we have in before giving you some updates as well as our plans for February and beyond.

New Books!

Our new stock is coming in thick and fast! This month we have a number of excellent titles fresh out of the box, including these:




The library refurb is officially underway! Unfortunately this means there will be disruptions to the library service over the next couple of weeks but we promise it’ll be worth it! We’ll be sure to throw a big party once it’s done…

Author Visits!

As of next month we will be welcoming a series of authors to come and talk to our S3s as part of a Scottish Government-funded project called Library Young Team! First up, we will be welcoming Brian Conaghan to the school on Tuesday 20th February.

Special guests at Holyrood

We love having visitors to the School Library. In December, we welcomed poet Tawona Sithole who led a creative writing workshop for S1/S2, involving music, games, drama- with some amazing acting skills on show, and writing our own stories.

Our young writers were very inspired, and supported each other by listening attentively as each group read their story out to the audience. Everyone had a great time, and we hope to see Tawona for another visit sometime soon.


This event was supported by the Scottish Government School Library Improvement Fund.

We continue to enjoy our Writing for Fun lunchtime club. Our new theme for January is poetry and we hope to write some  poems about ‘things that make  us happy’.

This week, Fiona Haddow from the Mitchell Library visited us to lead a Focus Group. We looked through a selection of books she had brought, and chatted about which authors we would most like to meet. Our young people felt very honoured to have this chance, as Fiona will use these opinions to help shape the programme for the ‘Wee Write’ Book Festival. This is a brilliant celebration of reading, where Glasgow Libraries brings authors directly into schools, and also holds events, including Family days, at the Mitchell Library.

Well done to our S2/S3 Focus Group. We really enjoyed speaking to Fiona, hearing about Wee Write, and everyone loved their thank you gifts of books.

Hyndland at Christmas Time

“O Christmas Tree, O Christmas tree,
How lovely are your…books?”

Christmas Book Tree

We have been very busy this December getting the library ready for Christmas. Our Tuesday Library Club members have outdone themselves this year with the library book tree. I think we can all agree it looks tremendous, well done everyone!

Our Book Tree!











New books

We received some exciting new stock this month, a complete collection of Death Note (Manga). Not the most festive, but one of the worlds most popular Manga series!

Reading Schools

Our Reading Schools group has been busy this month making ‘Shelf Shouters’. These are all around the library recommending books to everyone. Keep an eye out for them and give them a try

Hyndland Library wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

See you in 2024!

Christmas @ St. Andrew’s

We hope everyone is looking forward to some well deserved time off over the Christmas Break! In the meantime, here is our display (complete with possibly the smallest Christmas tree in the school) of some of our Christmas and Winter-themed books to tide you over, all hand-picked by our library helpers:

Thanks to all the staff and pupils at St. Andrew’s who have continued to support the library and we hope to have an even better 2024 complete with a shiny new library!

End of term fun, Holyrood Library

The holidays are coming – time to celebrate the work of our amazing Library volunteers before we head off for a well-earned rest.  They’ve worked tirelessly to promote reading and make the library a friendly and welcoming place. Whatever you need, the library helpers will be there for you!

Senior helper evaluating books to keep

R. in S5 has used her I.T skills to master the library management system (Spark) and now adds in new stock, can search the catalogue, identifies old books to be weeded and comes up with excellent ideas inspired by her love of reading.

Surrounded by books

S6 pupil book recommendations

C. in S6 shares book recommendations, is always up to date with new releases, and is a life-long lover of books. She balances this with a busy S6 schedule, often studying in the library after school.

Our Duke of Edinburgh S3 Volunteers bring fun to our lunchtimes. S1 loved their  design a Christmas Tree, & Elf Hat activities. It’s been a privilege to see a special bond grow between S1 and S3. So far 120 pupils in S1 have completed the Christmas Reading Challenge, run in collaboration with Community Libraries.

Lunchtime competition for S1

S1 Helpers at work

S1 Helpers also do a great job, running the issue desk at intervals and lunchtimes, coming up with games & colouring in, and encouraging everyone to borrow books.



S1 pupils enjoyed our special writing competition for Book Week Scotland. This competition was pupil led and inspired by award winning author Lindsay Littleson’s book EuroSpies. The mission was: “Write a job application to become a Spy” Some great entries. Lindsay thought they would definitely get the  job!

A last thought as we’re doing our Christmas shopping – good to consider how important books are not only for enjoyment but also for wellbeing and achievement. Research  by the Scottish Book Trust explains that “access to books at a young age allows children to flourish” and “Reading for pleasure is the biggest indicator of a child’s future success”  https://www.scottishbooktrust.com/articles/the-importance-of-book-ownership

Here’s a lovely personal memory shared by one of our sixth year pupils, about the importance of books.


Well done everyone and Happy Christmas !

September @ St. Andrew’s

We’re back for another school year and have lots of things to update everyone on!

Library move/refurb

After our move to English 4, we have moved again! This time to a much larger space. We are currently awaiting a full refurb of the library but once this is done, we look forward to bringing back our full programme of clubs and events – no less the Manga Club! Watch this space for updates.

S1 Inductions

September was a month for meeting and getting to know our new S1s. It was great having them down for their library inductions and there were a lot of keen readers amongst them.

ProQuest/GALE sessions

We are already underway with our research skills workshops as Advanced Higher Drama got their first ProQuest/GALE/Oxford DNB session of the year. We are hoping to continue this with both Social Subjects and English classes next month.


Next Month

October will see us continue with our class borrowing periods for all S1 to S3 pupils and work with S6 paired readers. As the new S1s get their iPads, we are looking to begin Libby/Borrowbox sessions to promote our online resources. October also marks Black History Month (UK) and we will have a pupil-curated display in the library to mark this.

All change at Eastbank – library refurbishment

Come and see our transformation in the Eastbank Academy Library !

Through the summer, Mrs Marshall and her many helpers (thank you librarians and janitorial staff !) worked to transform the library space at Eastbank Academy.   The whole project involved recycling unwanted bookcases from other libraries with little or no money spent.  Some bookcases work so well in a different space and our library has a new lease of life.  At the start of the project, when you decide to change a library space, you have to move lots – and lots, and lots – of books !


And when the books are off the shelves, then the shelves are the next thing to dismantle.  What a job that was!  It involved lots of helpers to take down the bookshelves which had been at Eastbank for several years.  Being a green school, we saved some of these shelves for other projects.  Here’s how the shelves looked all piled up after taking the bookcases apart.

One by one we built the new bookcases and got the new spinner book cases into place.   The library definitely was looking quite different now.   The light colours of the bookcases definitely looked brighter and gave us more room to relax while choosing books.


In addition, the library was provided with 2 brand new small bookcases which will become home to special collections in the library, such as our Shelf Help selection of books.


Finally, this week, the last bookcase arrived to complete our transformation !  It’s looking great and certainly makes the non-fiction more attractive and easier to see.

Overall, the pupils’ feedback has all been very positive, and they enjoy coming into the new space to choose their books. The library now is far more attractive, but also far easier to use.  With a new layout instead of just rows of books and new signage, book borrowing is a better experience.  The library itself is a lovely space to be in.  We are all looking forward to the rest of the school year in our the new library space.