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Holyrood School Library – Summer Update (4)

Amnesty Poetry Project

During Feb – March, Mrs Cooper’s senior EAL pupils took part in the Amnesty International Project ‘Words That Burn‘. This opportunity was made available to us by Amnesty International, Glasgow Libraries, and SLIC/ SLIF funding.

Our journey started when we attended our first ever Poetry slam at the Mitchel Library. Unsure what to expect, within minutes, we were completely enthralled by poets Cat Hepburn, Jenny Lindsay and Tawona Sitole. We could see that poetry could be both powerful, entertaining, and fun. We were so interested to hear Tawona, who is originally from Zimbabwe, speak (and sing) some poetry in his mother tongue. As many of our pupils are multi-lingual, we hoped the project would help us to celebrate and showcase these language skills.

Following this, we had visits at Holyrood from : Ash Dickinson – poet, performer and slam champion. Ash not only performed for us, but encouraged us to think about how to shape our own performances, with some excellent advice, coaching and video clips. Our next visitor was Pauline from Amnesty International. Pauline explained some of the great work that Amnesty do on human rights, and set some questions to help our team progress with their own poem.

Inspired by these workshops, the group began serious work on writing and perfecting their poem. This involved several lunchtime and after school sessions, working with the amazing Mrs. Cooper, who loves poetry. This showed great commitment as all already had busy schedules preparing for exams. However, it’s often the case that the most important learning takes place through extra-curricular activities and group projects, and our Team were growing in confidence, forging strong friendships and supporting each other in this challenge.

The day of the performance came, and we arrived at the beautiful venue of the St. Frances Centre in the Gorbals, determined to do our best.

The performance was a great success. Our team of 6 were: Rafia, Arooj, Aiman, Yasmine, Hamdi, and Kiaiyan, who gave a magnificent performance, using (at least) 7 languages, in their powerful poem ‘Fly Away Home’. They were highly commended by the judges, and could rightly feel very proud of this achievement.

Mrs Cooper and the team have now set up a lockdown Poetry club, and we hope to continue enjoying poetry together. The project was at times a little scary, challenging but mostly enjoyable. We also enjoyed hearing the performances of pupils from Govan High, Hillpark Secondary and Lourdes Secondary, and we wish them well in their future poem writing.

Our thanks go to Ash and all the poets; to Pauline, and also to Ian and Fiona from Glasgow Libraries for judging the poetry slam and organising all these great events for us. Also…..huge thanks and well done to Mrs. Cooper and our incredible pupils for all their hard work, and ‘nerves of steel’ in performing for the first time!

Find out more about the Amnesty project:

Amnesty International ‘Words that Burn’


Holyrood School Library, Summer update (3)

Visit from Emily Ilett

Summer term was very different from usual, with pupils and staff doing fantastic work in lockdown. Many pupils have been using Glasgow Life e-resources such as BorrowBox , for e-books and audio-books, and Freegal for music streaming. However, nothing can quite replace the fun of real author coming to visit you, so we decided to get help from the best of the best : Emily Ilett, award winning local author, in a remote LiveLit event supported by the Scottish Book Trust!

Emily had already been out to visit Holyrood pupils, and gave a brilliant talk to Miss Sutherland’s S1 class back in March for World Book Day

We learned about one of Emily’s favourite subjects – ‘Sea animals’, and how she used her love of animals and conservation as inspiration for her book ‘The Girl Who Lost Her Shadow’.

The challenge for our remote event in June was, with the school building closed, and no physical contact – how could we get Emily to the pupils, so we could have fun, hear all of her great tips for writing, and do a pupil Q & A? The answer was … author video, made especially for Holyrood pupils. In it Emily reads a wonderful short story ‘Hello Neighbour’ which she wrote for lockdown (it’s very funny, especially the bit about the wasps’ nest….you’ll have to listen and I bet it will make you laugh!). She also answered terrific questions from Zoya, Nga and Augustina; and set a competition for us. The competition is now closed for the summer, but we might open it again next term – so you could have a wee practice if you’re bored during the holidays!

You can watch Emily’s video here. Just scan the QR code with your I-pad. (Big thanks to Mrs. Gunn for explaining to me how to do this). See – everyone is learning new skills here – pupils/ teachers/ librarian. You never stop learning, and it’s exciting!

There was a tight deadline to get competition entries in by the end of term, many of you rose to the challenge with magnificent entries. Winners were : Ella S1, Laraib and Eseosa (S2), and Augustina (S3). Emily was highly impressed by the entries. Great work from everyone who entered. We may try to make the winning entries into a short story collection for you to read. In the meantime, you can read ‘Hello Neighbour’, and more short stories and poems in this fantastic anthology by Cranachan publishing:

Read ‘Stay at Home’ here

Great fun for pupils, and includes resources for teachers!


See how many authors you already recognise, and you will also discover new favourite authors to enjoy. We will (hopefully) have many new books in the Library by the time you return to school.

Holyrood School Library, Spring update (2)

‘Book Group, and Christmas fun!’

Here at Holyrood, we love working with our friends at Glasgow Libraries. In November, we held the first meeting of our pupil Book Club at Govanhill Library. We were invited by Alison Nicol, our local Community Librarian, who hosted the visit as part of the ‘Hurricane Book Club’.

Before meeting up, our 15 pupils read ‘I am Thunder’ by Muhammad Khan.

We then enjoyed visiting Govanhill Library, discussing the book and taking part in a live Twitter session, linking up with other schools. Best of all was the friendly welcome and hospitality at Govanhill, where we were made to feel very welcome by Alison and the Govanhill Library staff (we loved our cosy Book Group area, and also, the chocolate biscuits) !  Since then we have held 2 further meetings : our Book Club Christmas Lunch, and also a catch-up session to decide on our next book.

After an exciting voting session, not 1 – but 2 titles were chosen!

  • ‘One’ by Sarah Crossan
  • ‘Love, Hate & other Filters’ by Samira Ahmed

Some of us are now reading these ‘under lockdown’ and we can’t wait to meet up again for more book chat in our friendly group. Huge thanks to Alison for organising this, and also to Ms Blackburn for being part of our Book Group, and helping us walk safely to Govanhill Library.

Leading up to Christmas we put our minds to some serious reading by taking part in Glasgow Libraries Christmas Reading Challenge. Christmas time can be very hectic in schools, with pupils taking part in many fun activities such as concerts, charity and fundraising events, and S4,5 & 6 also sitting their prelim exams. This is such an important time to stock up on books for the holidays. 60 of our S1 pupils completed the Challenge by borrowing 3 or more books during the last week of term, and collected a superb certificate designed by Glasgow Libraries. 

“Your book is a friend… the library makes books easy to get”. Wise words from these lovely pupils.

Most of this borrowing was done at lunchtimes and intervals, and our wonderful English dept. also helped by allowing pupils to take the long distance route from class to the Library, avoiding the exams in the ‘street’ area. Nothing can stop our pupils from reading, and we also enjoyed the fresh air and exercise on route to the Library. Special mention must go to Miss Belton’s S2 English class, who have shown great dedication to regular reading during their library visits, working their way through comics, non-fiction and now enjoying authors such as Cathy Macphail and Elizabeth Laird. We all look forward to enjoying more Reading Challenge events in the future.

Find out more about Book Groups, and how to join your local library at

Holyrood School Library, Spring update (1)

While we’re on an early spring break, it’s time to remember some of the fun things we’ve achieved this session. In November, during Book Week Scotland, we enjoyed a feast of activities including:

  • Ms Longo’s  ‘Scavenger Hunt’ round the Library
  • a very well attended Lunchtime Book Quiz,
  • Visit from poet and Creative Writing Group leader – John Munro, who inspired pupils with great advice for getting started with writing.

John led 2 writing sessions, one for some lucky S1 classes in the Library. The other was for the whole S2 Year group! We had to take over the Fuel Zone, and John got everyone started with the topic ‘What would you put on your CV to get the job of a ninja warrior’. Much enthusiastic and very creative writing took place!

Throughout the week, Library helpers promoted our Prize Draw, which was enjoyed by everyone who borrowed, returned or renewed a book in the Library during Book Week Scotland.

We also highlighted some exciting pupil recommended titles including:

Robert Muchamore CHERUB series, and Taran Matharu ‘The Summoner’ series.


We look forward to Book Week Scotland in November 2020.

Useful websites :

Summer in Lourdes Secondary Library

Well done to all pupils and staff for making it through the year, and through the last difficult few months! You all deserve a great summer holiday! To all the pupils leaving this year, I’m so sorry not to have seen you to say goodbye properly, but I wish you all the best for the future – I’m sure you’ll all do great things and have wonderful lives. The important thing to do is to relax and enjoy this next stage of your life.

Because lockdown is continuing in some form, although it’s being gradually reduced, the library will remain open to you in its current virtual form over the holidays. Opening hours are 9am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday. This may change sometimes, if I’m taking a few days off or have school librarians meetings, but I will post it on your Teams and on the library’s social media if the library will be closed for a day or more.

You can contact Miss O’Neill by email at, on your Teams, and through the library social media. The Twitter handle is @liblourdes and the Instagram handle is @lourdeslibrary. You can also follow the library mascot, Boba Felephant, on Instagram at @bobafelephant.

School Clubs

The Role-Playing Games Club will continue throughout the summer, with a new group for the new S1 pupils starting. There will also be a Summer Reading Challenge-themed programme running for the new S1 pupils, starting on Monday 29 June. S1s, and their younger family members, can register to take part in the official Summer Reading Challenge activities as well; the theme this year is the Silly Squad, so we can look forward to a daft summer!

If there is enough interest from pupils, I’m thinking about setting up a Storytelling Club to run once a fortnight over the summer, and to continue it once school opens again in August. It won’t only be creative writing, but also comics, films, coding, and other media that you would like to use. Please get in touch by email if you would like to be part of it.

The Online Library

You can access a range of resources free via Glasgow Libraries: All you need is your library card number and PIN – if you don’t know these, please contact me. Note: new S1 pupils, your cards are not yet ready, but I will let you know once you are all registered. If you have a Glasgow community libraries card, you can use that.

  • eBooks: use Overdrive and Borrowbox.
  • Audiobooks: use Overdrive, Borrowbox, and RB Digital
  • eMagazines: use RB Digital
  • eMusic: use Freegal

There is a great range of resources to help you with study, research into your hobbies, business ideas, family history, and more. If you’re learning to drive, you can practice for the theory test. These are available here: You can also access user guides to the various resources on this page, but please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions about any of these resources.

I look forward to seeing you all in school in August. I don’t know yet what form the library will take. If we still need to socially distance, you will be able to request library books which will be delivered to you, and there will be books available in your English classroom. I will also be giving you book recommendations. I’ll keep you updated here on the blog, with the links to any blog posts being added to your Teams, and all information shared on library social media.

FInally – again – I, along with Boba Felephant, Albert von Einskull, and library kitten Mad Madame Mim, hope that you enjoy your holidays! Surely nobody can have as bad a holiday as Sweeney Todd being taken to the beach by Mrs Lovett (tee hee).

End of the year post!

The blog has been a bit quiet of late as we prepare for any changes that may or may not take place as of August! As you can probably imagine, the library and the service it provides might look slightly different from what we are all used to.

Firstly, we will need to provide you with books remotely. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to browse books in the way you used to. On the plus side, everyone will be able to request any books or authors they want and if you let me know what sort of books you enjoy reading then I can do all the work for you and find something I’ll think you enjoy! These will likely be done on a class to class basis and I can even also bring your requested books down to you. Any individual requests can be made by emailing me directly:

We will also be further promoting our online services to you throughout the year. The good news is that we now have Borrowbox and Freegal on your school iPads and we are hoping to have more by August! You can access any of the eLibrary features here: To access them, all you need is your library card number (the D00… one above the barcode) and your PIN (I can provide that! Just let me know).

Events might also look different but we will work with everyone to make sure that we can still bring you some excellent author events throughout the year, regardless of what restrictions may or may not be in place!

Finally, I would like to say thanks again to all the pupils and staff at the Gaelic School for making me feel welcome and for supporting me in my first few months with the school. I am looking forward to next year already, whatever form it might take. I will try and use this summer to work on my Gaelic!

Enjoy your summer break! You’ve earned it!

End of the year post!

You might have noticed that I have been a bit quiet on the old blog front lately. I have been busy trying to devise the weird and wonderful ways in which I can continue to provide a service to you in times of social distancing.

As we well know, things are not set in stone and everything is subject to change. However, assuming that we are sticking to our current plans, then the library will look slightly different for a little while.

Firstly, we will need to provide you with books remotely. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to browse books in the way you used to. On the plus side, everyone will be able to request any books or authors they want and if you let me know what sort of books you enjoy reading then I can do all the work for you and find something I’ll think you enjoy! These will likely be done on a class to class basis and I can even also bring your requested books down to you. Any individual requests can be made by emailing me directly:

We will also be further promoting our online services to you throughout the year. The good news is that we now have Borrowbox and Freegal on your school iPads and we are hoping to have more by August! You can access any of the eLibrary features here: To access them, all you need is your library card number (the D00… one above the barcode) and your PIN (I can provide that! Just let me know).

Events might also look different but we will work with everyone to make sure that we can still bring you some excellent author events throughout the year, regardless of what restrictions may or may not be in place!

As for clubs, namely the Manga Club, we will need to have a look at where we are in August but it is my sincerest hope that we can get any clubs or groups back up and running as soon as possible. 

Finally, I would like to again take an opportunity to thank all the pupils and staff at St. Andrew’s for making me feel welcome and part of the team in my first school year. It has been a challenging year and next year looks set to come with its own challenges but we will get through it and can look forward to a Library Grand Re-Opening party when everyone is allowed to visit the library again.

Enjoy your summer break everyone. You’ve definitely earned it!

Italian Read Trip

Hello Readers!

“Habemus Italian Read Trip”! Yes, it’s finally finished!

It has taken weeks and I’ve involved Italian librarians, Scottish school librarians, Scottish English teachers and Mr Foschetti, who has made the wonderful map.. As you will read, this project was inspired by two of our amazing librarians, who have also supported me: THANK YOU!

One of the reasons why I’ve pulled this together is because many (if not most!) of our library assistants and school teachers have asked me more information about Italy, and were planning to visit it this summer. I thought to substitute the restaurants tips with books suggestions, I hope you will find the right match for you!

I have also thought of the Italy experts and added some questions for you to see how much you know.

Here is the flipbook:

Enjoy your itinerant reading!

Words that burn project

Hello readers,

I thought of refreshing us in this difficult time with some happy memories from the brilliant ‘words that burn’ project we took part in.

First things first, Words that burn is a national project to explore and express human rights through poetry. Amazing, isn’t it?

The first meeting was held by the poet Ash Dickinson showed us that we can all create poems and put us in a creative mood. Amnesty International representatives launched the project and after an introduction to human rights they divided us in small groups to work on our poems about some of them.

Some of us didn’t even know what a poetry slam was, until we attended one in the Mitchell library theatre. We were incredibly lucky to see the talented Dean Atta, Anita Govan and Jenny Lindsay performing. They were very inspiring, and we have talked about their poems for weeks.

After the encouraging workshop held by Anita Govan, our pupils were ready to take part in the Hillhead Library Local Poetry Slam Competition.

Every group showed great talent and bright minds, and we were very proud when one of our groups won with a sharp poem about climate change.

The last step would have been a final poetry slam in the Mitchell Library, where pupils from all the twelve participating schools would have the chance to see performing few selected pupils and grab a copy of their poems anthology. Unfortunately, we had to postpone this event; but this doesn’t prevent us from sharing our happy memories.

This project wouldn’t have been possible without the support of Amnesty International, SLIC, Glasgow Life and the poets who have collaborated with us. 

Also a huge thank you goes to Knightswood Secondary School, in particular Mr Beaton and his S2 class.

For those who want to know more about the UDHR there is a very good online course about it on Futurelearn at this link:

For now, this is all.  

We hope to be able to share with you our poems and physical celebration soon!

Just Keep Reading

Wednesday is when we would normally have our Book Club at JPA.  The book club was created when pupils asked for a quiet place and time in a busy and hectic school day to just switch off, sit down and enjoy a good book.  I think we can all agree that this is something we definitely still need in our day, especially in this difficult and stressful situation.

During Book Club we would talk about what we are reading, make demands of the librarian (me!) for what we would like to read, and of course: READ!  With lockdown in place, we can’t meet up in the library at lunch time for now, but Book Club is not cancelled!

Join us on Twitter on Wednesdays for #VirtualBookClub – everyone is welcome!  Staff, pupils, families and librarians alike can join in and talk about what they’re reading – I would love to hear what people are reading on lockdown, and listen to any recommendations for books.

(Psst!  You can read this series at home through the eLibrary!)

You can also keep track of your reading at home to tell me all about it when schools reopen!  All of my Book Club pupils will have their Reading Passports to do this in, but keep a record in any way you like to join in.  You can also talk about what you’re reading and read together with the people at home.  Start your own mini Book Clubs at home!

Feeling impatient?  Want to read something right now and not wait?  Have a look at the No Wait, No Problems collection of the Glasgow Libraries eLibrary – all the books here are available to read RIGHT NOW so you don’t have to wait!  Some Book Club favourites are on this list, including Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling, Big Nate comics by Lincoln Pierce and The Brilliant World of Tom Gates by Liz Pichon.  Just look for the orange banner at the top of the book cover to see if you can read it right away!  

Of course, if you have something specific in mind, but it’s not available right now, you can reserve it for when it’s returned.  Just select ‘Place a Hold’ on any books with the white ‘Wait List’ banner, like the Dog Man graphic novel – another much loved favourite in the library!

Can’t find what you want?  Don’t worry – you can still demand the books you want!  Just like your regular library, the eLibrary doesn’t have everything, but you can still ask for it!  If you have something specific in mind but when you search for it, it says ‘Not Owned’ in a black banner at the top then you can recommend it to the Glasgow Librarians.  For example, I know a few of our Book Club members have and definitely would recommend The School for Good and Evil series by Soman Chainani, and there were loads of requests for My Hero Academia throughout the year – get online and get recommending!  

Standard Book Club rules apply at home as in school – read whatever you want!  It doesn’t matter what format or genre, so long as you enjoy it!  Prefer audiobooks or graphic novels?  Excellent!  Fantasy instead of Mystery?  Brilliant!  Try something new or stick to what you know, it’s up to you.  Stop at least once a week, maybe even Wednesday lunch time, or join the Scottish BookTrust #readinglunch on Thursdays, and enjoy reading a book – and talk about it if you can.  Just keep reading!