Over the years we have had many valuable opportunities to share our school context, learning and teaching experiences and pupil voices with the wider world.
Please click on the links below to find out more about the life of our school….
100 years of school broadcasts with Garnetbank Primary
In 1924, the BBC tested its first ever radio programme for schools at Garnetbank Primary in Glasgow. The LAB revisited the school to mark the centenary of this historic event.
‘Rights Info’ filming to promote rights
We worked with ‘Rights Info’ who were making a video all about Human Rights for the Equality and Human Rights Commission. It explored Children’s Rights in a child friendly way and has been used across Glasgow and Scotland to support rights learning in schools.
Education Scotland
National Improvement Hub
Food Education : Food for Thought interesting practice exemplar
Click on the link above to learn how Garnetbank has shared practice with other schools across Scotland.
BBC Radio Scotland ‘The Kitchen Cafe’
Food for Thought programme
Click on the link below to hear about our Kids Cook club (17:22mins).
Connecting food and technology to promote healthy eating throughout the school.
Education Scotland
Outdoor Learning Webinar
Watch the video above to find out how Garnetbank has adopted outdoor learning and playful pedagogies to ensure everyone enjoys the playground and their right to play. Our Head Teacher presented our school’s story during this Education Scotland Webinar.