Camstradden Primary Parent Council 2022-23

Our Parent Council 2022-23

Chairperson: Sandra Hilton
Vice-Chair: Vacancy
Treasurer: Leanne Smart
Secretary: Cheryl Harvey
Contact Email :

Every parent/guardian becomes a member of the Parent Forum whenever their child starts school, enabling parents to get involved in school life in whatever way they can. This could be helping on trips, at discos, assisting during the school day or as a representative on the Parent Council. Please click on the link below to view our Parent Council Constitution –

Parent Council Constitution – August 2022

Parent Councils can:

.provide a voice for parents, in schools and in their local authority, on issues that are important to them and their children
.help the school to understand how to most effectively involve parents in their children’s learning and in the life of the school
.support the school and Headteacher in developing strong home/school partnerships
.support the school in its development and improvement, and in understanding and making links with the wider community
.capture the unique and varied skills, interests, knowledge and experience that parents can offer

Parent Council Meetings

Parents and carers are welcome to attend any of our Parent Council meetings. You can come along to every meeting or to just one if you’re curious or there’s something you’d like to raise. We can also raise any issues on your behalf however we cannot discuss individual incidents or pupils and would always recommend you contact the school directly about specific incidents.

Our meetings are lively and all the members are very friendly and enthusiastic. It’s a great way to find out more about what goes on in our school. The Parent Council needs the continued support of new members joining to enable all the good work to continue year on year. If you are interested in attending one of our meetings please contact the Parent Council via email –

Reporting to the Parent Forum

We hold an AGM in September and produce an annual report for all parents. We liaise with the school to ensure the Parent Section of the school website is updated regularly and we provide an update for the school newsletter and website. The agenda and minutes of our meetings are available on the parent news section of the school website.

Fund raising activities…hard work but good fun

Our efforts are primarily focused on fundraising. This is more important than ever due to Government spending priorities. We help to fund – School trips, Halloween disco, Christmas panto, Christmas presents and parties, Christmas lunch and the P7 leavers’ dance. There are some costs in organising events but the vast majority of the money directly benefits the pupils at Camstradden Primary. We are always looking for new ways to raise funds and if you feel you have any suggestions then please do not hesitate to contact us.

Other Activities

We receive regular school reports and are consulted on other school initiatives such as the School Improvement Plan and Pupil Equity Fund. We manage the Parent Council’s finances and arrange lets and insurance.


The Education Department provide many training courses some of which our members have attended. Glasgow City Council also requires parents to participate in Head/Deputy Head Teacher interviews and training is available for this. .

Further Information

If you want more details on any aspect of Parent Councils or our activities email us at –

We are always looking for new Parent Council Members. Please contact the school for more information.


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