The term so far in P4/3

Numeracy and mathematics

This term the class have been focusing on the operations multiplication and addition. They have learned how to use a wide range of strategies: Grid method, repeated addition, arrays and to complete a variety of number sentences and problem-solving questions successfully. The class are now ready to explore the other operations division and subtraction. As part of mathematics, the class have also been exploring different unit of measurements and engaged in plentiful opportunities to engage in active learning measuring different objects, e.g., using scales to measure ingredients to bake.


This term the children have focused on the aspect of setting, exploring different exciting settings and have worked in pairs and groups to brainstorm a wide range of interesting adjectives and verbs to describe these. The class then used such language to write their own setting descriptions successfully. The class have now progressed to explore another genre of writing, recount. The class have grasped the features of recount and can identify these successfully. In addition, they have planned and wrote their own recounts. These recounts feature all elements explored as well as adjectives and verbs, demonstrating they are successfully applying previous learning.

Social Subjects and Expressive Arts

This term the class have been learning about business enterprises, specifically exploring what the different roles involved in running a successful enterprise business. The class have applied this knowledge into the running of their own business enterprise which involves observing and capturing details from oceanic life and creating patterns which will be printed on to tote bags. They have applied their numeracy knowledge of the four operations to budget and purchase resources for this. The class are now at the final stage of completing the product which will be sold at the school Christmas fair, they are very excited to adopt the various roles in the selling of the product also. As part of P.E, the class are learning different Scottish Country Dances, they have currently learned two dances and are practicing demonstrating high levels of effort to master the routines. They are excited to showcase their performance of these dances at their upcoming mini school ceilidh.


This term the class have been exploring the skeleton and successfully have learned the names of ten different bones and can identify where these are on a diagram! They have also created their own mini skeletons with the correct positioning of the bones with corresponding labels. The class are now currently learning about the roles of the joints and the muscles and have begun to learn their role , function and positioning.

P1a update: Term 2

Primary 1 have been successful learners this term, showing enthusiasm in all areas of the curriculum. We have been rehearsing our Nativity and cannot wait for you all to see us perform!


Primary 1 have demonstrated their knowledge of phonics through their recent reading tasks.  Children have shown they can read words by sounding out and blending familiar sounds.  They are beginning to show an understanding of a text through using picture clues and recalling main characters/event in the text.

Reading books can be accessed through ReadingPlanets.


Children in Primary 1 are now able to write CVC words with increasing independence.  They have been able to use their knowledge of sounds and apply this when writing short words.  Almost all children are able to draw a picture and narrate what they have drawn.

Listening and Talking:

This term, children have been learning to retell the story of ‘The Gingerbread Man’.  Children are able to identify the main characters in the story and retell the main events with increasing independence.  Children have been developing their listening skills and are able to follow short instructions.


This term, children have shown confidence when adding two amounts together.  They have demonstrated an awareness of number talks and are beginning to justify their reasoning behind their answers. Children will continue to work on formation of numbers within 20. Numeracy game and activities should be accessed on Sumdog at home.

Social Studies:

We have been learning about Transport this term as part of our IDL topic.  Children have been constructing cars out of recycled materials and learning about the transformation of cars through the decades.  Whilst playing in the role play area, children have shown an understanding of what jobs there are in a train station.

Keep up the amazing work Primary1!

Miss Macpherson and Primary 1a.

Primary 6/5: Our term so far…

Primary 6/5 have been busy this term and we are looking forward to the festivities in December.

Literacy: This week we have been writing recounts. The pupils have enjoyed writing a recount on Jack and the Beanstalk.

Numeracy & Maths: Pupils have been learning about the four operations in class. Also, pupils have been learning about shapes and have enjoyed making 3d shapes.

HWB: Within PE, pupils have had some visitors from S6 join them in their PE gymnastics lesson. Pupils have also been completing hockey once a week. There is also a whole class focus on the health and wellbeing area of achieving.

RME:Our themes this term is Judaism and pupils have been using their research skills on iPad’s to share information about Judaism.

IDL:The class topic is travel and tourism, pupils have been developing their listening and talking skills by presenting advantages and disadvantages of different travel methods to the class. Pupils have also used their iPad’s to plan a trip to London and justify their choice of transport.

Expressive Arts: Pupils have had an outdoor learning experience that involved taking pictures of nature and completing line drawings. There has also been a focus on texture and patterns.

Science: Pupils have been learning about forces this term and have enjoyed completing many experiments in class.

Our week In Primary 4

Primary 4 have had a busy week. Here are some of our highlights from the last week:

Literacy: This week we have been writing recounts. The children have been working on peer assessment and have been giving each other feedback on their writing using the success criteria.

Numeracy & Maths: We have been doing information handling this week. The children have carried out surveys in class and are exploring different ways of presenting their information. Look out for a survey question for adults at home!

HWB: The children are continuing to work on fitness training and gymnastics in PE. The focus for health & wellbeing in November has been healthy and the class have exploring then importance of  a balanced diet. They are compiling a mini cook book of healthy recipes so please send us any recipes you have on Seesaw and we will include them in our book!

RME: Our themes this term is Buddhism and this week the class read a Buddhist story called ‘The Wind And The moon’.  Make sure to ask your child about the message learned form the story.

IDL: We are continuing our topic on climate zones and this week the children have been learning about tropical and mountain climates.

Expressive Arts: Our art work is top secret this week but has involved design and choosing suitable media for a particular task. All will be revealed at the Christmas Fayre!

Primary 1b… our term so far

Message from Miss Murray – Term 2:
Primary One have had a successful term so far and are looking forward to the festivities this December.  We are currently rehearsing for our Nativity and cannot wait to perform for you all!


Primary 1 have demonstrated their knowledge of phonics through their recent reading tasks.  Children have shown they can read words by sounding out and blending familiar sounds.  They are beginning to show an understanding of a text through using picture clues and recalling main characters/event in the text. 

Primary 1 demonstrate enjoyment and choice through voting for our ‘Book of the week’.  The story is read 3 times throughout the week, allowing children to develop skills in predicting, sequencing and summarising.  


Children in Primary 1 are now able to write CVC words with increasing independence.  They have been able to use their knowledge of sounds and apply this when writing short words.  Almost all children are able to draw a picture and narrate what they have drawn.  

Listening and Talking: 

This term, children have been learning to retell the story of ‘The Gingerbread Man’.  Children are able to identify the main characters in the story and retell the main events with increasing independence.  Children have been developing their listening skills and are able to follow short instructions.


This term, children have shown confidence when adding two amounts together.  They have demonstrated an awareness of number talks and are beginning to justify their reasoning behind their answers. Children will continue to work on formation of numbers within 20.

Social Studies: 

We have been learning about Transport this term as part of our IDL topic.  Children have been constructing cars out of recycled materials and learning about the transformation of cars through the decades.  Whilst playing in the role play area, children have shown an understanding of what jobs there are in a train station.  

Miss Murray and Primary 1b.

Allergy Notice

Camstradden Primary is an allergy aware school. We want keep all our children and staff safe. As some members of our school community have severe allergies to nuts we kindly request that families avoid giving pupils products containing nuts for break/lunch for example Kinder Bueno, Peanut Butter, Nutella & Snickers.

Thank you in advance for your continued support.

A week in P7

P7 have been very busy; here are some of the highlights!
Maths – We are beginning work on fractions and enjoying learning how to use bar models (and getting to write on the desks!)
Reading – We are exploring a mix of fiction and non-fictions texts to improve our reading skills and our general knowledge.
Writing – Having had great fun writing all about Pirates last week, we are now moving on to Recounts in different forms e.g. newspaper report, diary, blog.
Talking & Listening – We have been having some great discussions about challenging questions including “What is Beauty?” and “Should Women and Children Always Be Evacuated First?”
PE – As a Leadership Opportunity, some of our Primary 7s are leading the class in their Social Dance lessons. We’ve had great fun learning with Karla, Zoey and Summer this week; Emily, Paige and Leo are taking the lead next week.
HWB – We are continuing our work on learning about healthy lifestyles. We have already looked at portion control, and keeping mobile by ensuring muscles, heart and lungs are fit for purpose. This week we will be looking into dental health and hygiene.
Topic – We have been learning about Fair Trade and the food journey of bananas. Soon, we will move onto our Christmas Fair Enterprise topic to plan, design, manufacture, package, advertise and sell our products once we have consulted with potential customers!

Education Scotland – HM Inspection

Dear Families,

HM Inspectors from Education Scotland will be visiting our school to conduct an inspection during the week commencing the 12th of December 2022. You can find out more about inspection, from the Inspection and review documentation pages of Education Scotland’s website –

As part of the inspection, Inspectors gather the views of stakeholders via an online survey. This survey has been sent to all families via Groupcall and letter for those who have not provided an email.

I would like to encourage you to complete the survey.  Inspectors will also be meeting with groups of parents during the inspection so to be part of that discussion you should complete the survey with additional links provided to indicate your interest in taking part.

You should complete the survey by Friday the 2nd of December 2022 for one child or for each of your children in attendance.

Thank you in advance for your continued support.


Miss L Davidson

Acting Head Teacher

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