Football Fun!


Our fabulous football coach Sharon has been working with our Wednesday afternoon Acorn group all term.  She is vey impressed with their listening skills, their resilience and sense of fun!  Keep up the great work footballers.  

Maths Fun in P4

Primary 4 got to choose their favourite maths games to apply their learning of the 4 operations. Funky Mummy was voted the favourite!


Safety Seymour Carbon Monoxide Workshops

Carbon Monoxide (CO) Awareness Initiative


Dear Parents/Carers


We are writing to let you know about a very special safety session that is coming up. We are a company called Bonanza Creative and, in collaboration with The Gas Network, we will be delivering a workshop to some classes in March called “Safety Seymour”. This interactive session uses games and drama to educate children on the dangers of carbon monoxide and how to keep themselves safe. Seymour (a superhero bear) and his safety assistant will be visiting your child’s class, on a mission to rid the world of CO poisoning but he needs help!!


There is more information about CO in the carbon monoxide booklet that you will receive on the day, or you can visit:, it’s full of fun activities for your child to take part in.


We are aware that safety information can be quite alarming for children and have therefore made a great effort to package all information in a child-friendly way.  That said, if your child does have any concerns about CO, please allay fears.  It is highly unlikely that CO is present in your home but none the less, we must work to educate ourselves about its dangers and take precautions to keep ourselves safe, such as fitting a CO alarm.


Thank you for your time and if you have any concerns, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with your child’s school.

Newsletter – March 2023

Please click on the relevant link below to view our March newsletter. The newsletter content is the same for each class however each class newsletter contains its own class attendance statistics.

Newsletter March 2023 – Primary 1

Newsletter March 2023 – Primary 2

Newsletter March 2023 – Primary 3

Newsletter March 2023 – Primary 4

Newsletter March 2023 – Primary 4-3

Newsletter March 2023 – Primary 5

Newsletter March 2023 – Primary 6-5

Newsletter March 2023 – Primary 7

Newsletter March 2023 – Primary 7-6

Our Inspection Report

Our Inspection Report has now been published. I am sure, like me, you will be delighted with the outcome. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff for their continued hard work and dedication to ensure we are meeting the needs of our young people at Camstradden. I would also like to congratulate our wonderful pupils for their hard work. They created made such a positive impression on our visitors. I would also like to thank our families and partners for their continued support.

You will see from the report that the positive steps we are making are highlighted alongside some examples of excellent practice. You will also see our identified next steps which include a continued focus on improving attendance and late coming. As you will know this is not something we can do alone and as such it is important that families support us by ensuring that their children are in school, on time, every day. This in turn, as mentioned in our report, will help to improve attainment and ensure that pupils needs are being met.

Well done Camstradden Primary!

Please click on the link below to view our Inspection Report.


World Book Day Competition

On Thursday the 2nd of March we will be celebrating World Book  Day. Pupils are invited to create their own toilet/kitchen roll book character. Families are encouraged not to go to any expense & should instead use materials from home/school to create their masterpiece. We looking forward to seeing creations on World Book Day. 

Drama In P4!

Primary 4 have been doing a topic called ‘The Boy And The Bunnet’. Yesterday in drama they sat in the hot seat and answered questions as some of the main characters. Some of the boys and girls managed to use some of the Scots words we have learned in the topic!



Dear Parent/Carer,

As you will know we are working hard at Camstradden to improve our attendance and late coming. Poor attendance is our biggest attainment gap. This means the children who do not attend school are not on track with their learning. If they were in school on time they would be more able to achieve their full potential. Please help us to support your children by ensuring your child attends school every day.

We also have large concerns surrounding the level of  late coming at Camstradden Primary. Every day we have over 30 children who are registered late for school. This number sometimes increases into the 70’s.

Late coming is detrimental to pupils learning and  is disruptive to the learning of others. Large numbers of children coming in late to school through the office also means our one member of clerical staff is unable to answer phones, processes registers, respond to emails or perform any other duties which has a negative impact in a variety of different ways. In order to improve late coming we require the support of all parents and carers to ensure children is in school on time each day. School starts at 9am and famines should ensure that pupils are in the playground and lined up before the bell sounds at 9am.

Thank you in advance for your support.


Miss Laura Davidson

Acting Head Teacher

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