Higher Physics

NQ Higher Physics


a photograph showing electricity passing through two points

The Physics course is made up of four mandatory Units: Our Dynamic Universe, Particles and Waves, Electricity and Researching Physics. The concepts, principles and theories are often set in a relevant context, by making reference to applications of Physics and to real-world situations.

Learning and teaching

In this section you will find resources that can be downloaded and adapted, and which are suitable for both teachers and learners


Particles and waves

Investigating fundamental particles, nuclear reactions and the wave properties of matter.


Researching Physics

Develop the essential skills for carrying out investigative scientific research in physics, and then apply these in the context of a topical physics investigation.


Our Dynamic Universe

Study our current understanding of the structure of the universe.


Take a deeper look at electricity and investigate an introduction to semiconductors.


SQA Documents Web link
Course Specification http://bit.ly/1fR5BwJ
Course Assessment Specification http://bit.ly/PatKJH
Course and Unit Support Notes (the original document which has been modified in the succeeding pages) http://bit.ly/1g75WQk
Assessment Overview (published June 2013) http://bit.ly/PauD4U
Specimen Examination paper and marking scheme http://bit.ly/1qgTNN9
Education Scotland learning materials  
Video interviews about the changes to Higher Physics http://bit.ly/NKciL0
All Education Scotland materials (linked in this document for each relevant content) in the one place. http://bit.ly/O6e0Gr
Researching Physics Unit support materials. http://bit.ly/1mcwT9p
Unit Specification http://bit.ly/O3LnK1
Video, presentations and notes on key skills http://bit.ly/1cIUZA4
Exemplar investigations on earthquakes and skin cancer http://bit.ly/1hVoK5G