

Why study Physics?

Physics deals with the forces that shape our world and the energies that make it work. Our investigations range from the vastness of space to the behaviour of electrons in the atom. However many of our activities involve everyday, real life situations. Understanding what things do and how things work is the main aim of Physics as a science. Many applications of today’s technology, which we take for granted, are investigated.

Physics is a science that is perfectly suited to both girls and boys. Due to the partly mathematical nature of the subject, pupils should be reasonably good at mathematics and feel comfortable using it during many parts of the course. The Course is practical and experiential, and develops scientific understanding of issues relating to physics. It aims to generate interest and enthusiasm in physics, and to enable learners to develop confidence in recognising and communicating ideas on scientific phenomena.

Learners will develop the ability to solve problems and establish relationships in physics by acquiring a broad knowledge base, practical skills and basic mathematical skills.

The main aims of this Course are for learners to:

  • develop scientific and analytical thinking skills in a physics context
  • develop an understanding of the role of physics in scientific issues
  • acquire and apply knowledge and understanding of concepts in physics
  • develop understanding of relevant applications of physics in society

The Course gives learners an insight into the underlying nature of our world and its place in the universe. From the sources of the power we use, to the exploration of space, it covers a range of applications of the relationships that have been discovered through experiment and calculation, including those used in modern technology. Advances in physics mean that our view of what is possible is continually being updated. This Course allows learners to understand the processes behind scientific advances, and to appreciate and contribute to topical scientific debate.The Course will therefore enable learners to become scientifically literate citizens, while developing their literacy and numeracy skills. It will also develop learners’ investigative and experimental skills in a physics context. Learners will recognise the impact physics makes on their lives, the environment and society.Through this Course, learners can develop relevant skills for learning, for use in everyday life, and across all sectors of employment. Due to the inter-disciplinary nature of science, learners benefit from studying physics along with other subjects from the sciences, technologies and mathematics curriculum areas.