Fabulous Homework in Primary 3/2

Look at some of the fantastic homework that was handed in by some of our Primary 3/2’s this week. The boys and girls were asked to use letters from news papers and magazines to make their spelling words. What a brilliant effort! Well done boys and girls!

Active Literacy In P3/2

Primary 3/4 have started a new programme of study as part of our Phonics and Spelling learning. We have started to use magnetic boards to help us learn our phonemes. We also participate in reciprocal teaching to help us remember our new spelling words.  


Please remember to return reading books and reading markers/diaries to school every day. Pupils read their books in class on a daily basis and need the books to help them complete tasks linked to their reading book.    

New Topic

Primary 3/2 have started their new topic all about Pets. Gym day is now  a Tuesday and we are excited because a dance tutor is coming in to work with us. We need to remember to pack our gym kits.

Name Labels

Just a reminder to all parents and carers. Please make sure that all pupils clothing and belongings are clearly labelled with their name and class. We have already had some items found without names.  It is hard to trace their owners without a name label. Thank you for your continued support.