Author: Miss Li

Health & Wellbeing: Planning for Choices

Sam’s dad, Robert – who is a rocket scientist- kindly offered to show us his workplace and the different types of jobs that might exist in an engineering based workplace.  He showed us around the Clean Room, the Vibration Room, the Vacuum Rooms and the IT lab – explaining the different stages and types of work available in their company.  Robert was telling us that even if we didn’t have a passion for maths, we could still work in different areas of the Satellites company, such as, marketing or programming.  A lot of us had our brains blown by all the satellite facts that were shared. Some of us feel ready to be ROCKET SCIENTISTS already!!!! But at the end of the day, we were told “Follow your passion!”

Homework: Wednesday 23rd May (Completed)

Homework this week consists of:

1.) 10 spelling words to be written (in rainbow colours, newspaper cutouts, in sand with a photo taken etc) three times and three sentences in their homework jotter. You can mix and match the three ways you do it; write one in rainbow colours, cut one set out in newspapers and just type the last one etc – it is up to you!

2.) BugClub Reading Books/Online Bugclub – pages to be read/task will be written on homework marker to do in your homework jotter/Glow Blogs. 

3.) Maths: Beat that challenge! Try your best! Do working on the back of the sheet if you need to. Try a new strategy! Please try the questions yourself – give your parents/guardians a break. If you’re not sure, come and ask me. Just make sure you don’t do it the day before the due date!!!!

P.s. Use your homework guidance sheets to help you. It’s what they are there for.  They are like cheat sheets!

Topic: Ancient China Dynasties Presentation Day

Here we are presenting our research of the different dynasties in Ancient China.  There were too many so we focused on the main ones:

Song (Kabir, Petar, Reece and Eva)

Han (Kabir, Petar, Reece and Eva)

Shang (Haneeah, Hala and Shivangi)

Xia (Fatimah, Asfhan and Jordan)

Ming (Ahmed Alhujaili, Jay, Adam, Sarwand)

Qing (Sam, Abdull, Ike, Ahmed Alibrahim)

Yuan (Sam, Abdull, Ike, Ahmed Alibrahim)

Sui (Amelia, Iona, Macy)

Zhou (Amelia, Iona, Macy)

Tang (Amalia, Abi, Khadijah)

Modern Languages: Bulgarian Stories

Maria (Petar’s mum) is from Bulgaria, a country in Europe.  She popped in to tell us a story called “Ali Baba” in Bulgarian and shared some facts about the language. Did you know there were 30 letters in the Bulgarian language?


Literacy: Persuasive Writing

Learning to persuade others to take on your point of view is really important.  We decided that it was important to be able to convince (with reason) others what we had reasonable opinions about.  Our class have come up with three particular issues that we wanted to discuss:

  • Why we should bring back jubilee snacks
  • Why we should be allowed to wear outdoor shoes indoors
  • Why we should be giving out free school meals to everyone instead of just the P1-P3s

This week we have written down our reasons for and against these ideas so that when we are convincing other people, we are also sure of the pro’s and con’s of an argument before deciding on what side to argue for.

Science: Sensory System

Since we are continuing our learning journey about body systems, after learning about the digestive system and some of its components, we are now looking at our sensory systems.

This week we explored how our skin has many neurons: touch neurons, pressure neurons, temperature neurons and last but not least, pain neurons.

We carried out a little experiment to “fool our senses” by putting one hand in ice cold water, and the other hand in warm water, and then after 10-20 seconds we put both hands at the same time into some room temperature water.  We found that the hand that had been submerged in ice water experienced a much warmer temperature in the room temperature water, than the hand that went from warm water to the room temperature water.  Some of the boys and girls in the class concluded that our senses aren’t always that reliable, and things in our environment can change that.

Homework: Wednesday 16th April (Completed)

Homework this week consists of:

1.) 10 spelling words to be written (in rainbow colours, newspaper cutouts, in sand with a photo taken etc) three times and three sentences in their homework jotter. You can mix and match the three ways you do it; write one in rainbow colours, cut one set out in newspapers and just type the last one etc – it is up to you!

2.) BugClub Reading Books/Online Bugclub – pages to be read/task will be written on homework marker to do in your homework jotter/Glow Blogs. 

3.) Maths: Beat that challenge! Try your best! Do working on the back of the sheet if you need to. Try a new strategy! Please try the questions yourself – give your parents/guardians a break. If you’re not sure, come and ask me. Just make sure you don’t do it the day before the due date!!!!

P.s. Use your homework guidance sheets to help you. It’s what they are there for.  They are like cheat sheets!

Golden Time!

On Fridays we have Golden Time; our hard earned time for being so fantastic throughout the week. Here are some of the things we usually get up to during it (foosball, making slime, drawing, and playing connect 4):

GIC Film Festival Premiere Night!

Last term we made our short-film “Locked In” for the “Determined to Make Movies” competition.  Miss Li also submitted our movie to the GIC Literacy for All Film Festival competition, and were nominated to attend the premiere night at the Glasgow Film Theatre.  Five of us were chosen out of a hat to represent the rest of the P5/6 class to accept the award.  We won the 3Cs award (camera, colour and character)! What a night!

Homework: Wednesday 8th May (Completed)

Homework this week consists of:

1.) 10 spelling words to be written (in rainbow colours, newspaper cutouts, in sand with a photo taken etc) three times and three sentences in their homework jotter. You can mix and match the three ways you do it; write one in rainbow colours, cut one set out in newspapers and just type the last one etc – it is up to you!

2.) BugClub Reading Books/Online Bugclub – pages to be read/task will be written on homework marker to do in your homework jotter/Glow Blogs. 

3.) Maths: Beat that challenge! Try your best! Do working on the back of the sheet if you need to. Try a new strategy! Please try the questions yourself – give your parents/guardians a break. If you’re not sure, come and ask me. Just make sure you don’t do it the day before the due date!!!!

P.s. Use your homework guidance sheets to help you. It’s what they are there for.  They are like cheat sheets!

Rugby coach: Taster session

Today our class had the honour of a rugby coach come in and give us a taster of rugby. We played games that taught us the skills of a rugby game. After the taster session, most of us raised our hands to ask for more!!!

Homework: Wednesday 2nd May (Completed)

Homework this week consists of:

1.) 10 spelling words to be written (in rainbow colours, newspaper cutouts, in sand with a photo taken etc) three times and three sentences in their homework jotter. You can mix and match the three ways you do it; write one in rainbow colours, cut one set out in newspapers and just type the last one etc – it is up to you!

2.) BugClub Reading Books/Online Bugclub – pages to be read/task will be written on homework marker to do in your homework jotter/Glow Blogs. 

3.) Maths: Beat that challenge! Try your best! Do working on the back of the sheet if you need to. Try a new strategy! Please try the questions yourself – give your parents/guardians a break. If you’re not sure, come and ask me. Just make sure you don’t do it the day before the due date!!!!

P.s. Use your homework guidance sheets to help you. It’s what they are there for.  They are like cheat sheets!

Topic: Ancient China Research

This term our topic is on “Ancient China” and we have been using our research skills at home and in class, to find out accurate and reliable information about the different dynasties of Ancient China.

Sam made a comment using his research skills “Some of our information doesn’t match up. It says PuYi died of old age and the other information we found said he resigned as an emperor.  Does that mean we have to look up which information is more reliable?” Those are the exact questions we want to ask when we are looking up information from the internet and books.  How can we tell it’s true? 

Well done to the children who spent their week at home working really hard researching their assigned dynasty – you are a great contribution to your classmates!

Question Station: Chat time!

This is the “Question Station”

Please leave any questions you have about your learning, or interests, here.  You can also post comments here for your classmates to see, and answer back in a comment if they wish.