Author: Miss Li

The summer has started…

What amazing weather we have had! I hope you all have a wonderful summer holiday and look forward to you all coming back in August.

I will miss you all dearly because you have all been so wonderful this year. Thank you all again for the wonderful and thoughtful presents.


Miss. Li 🙂

Glasgow Caledonian Science Trip: Body Systems

On arrival to the Science Lab, at Glasgow’s Caledonian University, we were welcomed by Jim who explained that we were going to be learning about the body in different ways.  We matched up bones to where they should be in the skeleton, we investigated different types of skeletons, we matched organs to the right places in the body, and then we carried out some body tests.  It was great fun getting mini electric shocks to test how reactive our nerves were.  There were also ECG machines, blood pressure monitors, ultrasound pens to detect our pulses and peak monitors to check the capacity of our lungs.  Definitely a day to remember!

Clydesdale Bank Workshop: Business Skills

Lots of Clydesdale Bank volunteers came into our class today in the afternoon to teach us how a business works; from scratch to finish.  We learned about manufacturing, being efficient, making profits, teamwork, business roles, taxation, making business plans, branding, logos and design.  There was such a positive and enthusiastic atmosphere in the classroom; some of us even got caught up in “legal” problems with the supplier 


Determined to Make Movies: Silverburn Award Ceremony

After a long-awaited response as to how our short-film was received; our movie “Locked In” and the P4/5’s movie “Bad Pancake Week”, were nominated and entered into the finals.  Our movie was nominated for the following categories: Best Actor, Best Drama and Best DVD cover.  We were very close, but sadly did not win any awards.  However, our movie was one of the movies chosen over hundreds of movie to participate in the finals so we should be really proud of ourselves regardless!

Health Week: Shibam with Miss MacGibbon

Miss MacGibbon not only is a wonderful primary teacher, she also teaches Shibam (fitness dance) to adults at a gym, so she shared her dance skills with the school today. Miss Li couldn’t even keep up; breaking out into sweats. Well done to the boys and girls who participated and kept going for the whole hour!

Health Week: Rugby

Making the most of the lovely weather whilst we stay fit and healthy during Rugby. Learning to run into spaces to support our team mates when they need to pass the ball.

Homework: Wednesday 6th June (Completed)

Homework this week consists of:

1.) 10 spelling words to be written (in rainbow colours, newspaper cutouts, in sand with a photo taken etc) three times and three sentences in their homework jotter. You can mix and match the three ways you do it; write one in rainbow colours, cut one set out in newspapers and just type the last one etc – it is up to you!

2.) BugClub Reading Books/Online Bugclub – pages to be read/task will be written on homework marker to do in your homework jotter/Glow Blogs. 

3.) Maths: Beat that challenge! Try your best! Do working on the back of the sheet if you need to. Try a new strategy! Please try the questions yourself – give your parents/guardians a break. If you’re not sure, come and ask me. Just make sure you don’t do it the day before the due date!!!!

P.s. Use your homework guidance sheets to help you. It’s what they are there for.  They are like cheat sheets!

A farewell to the Alhujailis…

After a mere two weeks, we are now losing two other members of our P5/6 class.  Abdull and Ahmed, the class already miss your laughter!

Here are some of the things you wanted to say but didn’t get a chance to so you wrote it down (..and Miss Li typed them up):

Ahmed to Jay: Thank you for playing with me on an online game when everybody was in a full squad or playing duos, and helping me get my fourth win in a day.

Ahmed to Ike – Thank you for not making me think I was the only one who knew about the most recent trends on the internet.

Ahmed to Sam – Thanks for helping me download OBS and playing Minecraft, and I’ll always remember you coming to our house.

Ahmed to P7’s Alfie – Thanks for playing an online game with me!

Ahmed to P7’s Ibrahim – Thanks for talking to me about all sorts of topics on Saudi and the online game.

Abdull to Petar: I like you because you speak so fast that some people don’t understand, but I always understand and we are usually partners in P.E.  Sometimes you make me chuckle!

Abdull to Ike: You and I are like best friends – you always make me chuckle.  I will miss you lots, as well as the whole class.  I have always played with you and it was always fun!

Abdull to Reece: You are always silly and sometimes you will copy my jokes.  We weren’t good friends at the start but we got on the right path and now we are friends.

Abdull to Sam: You are so funny and make weird things.  When we play games, it always ends with a tie breaker.

Abdull to Miss Li: You have helped me a lot in maths.

Abdull to Mrs Chalmers: Thank you for helping me with my English and grammar.

Abdull to Jay: You have told me a lot about the online game and how to not be rubbish at it.


Homework: Wednesday 30th May (Completed)

Homework this week consists of:

1.) 10 spelling words to be written (in rainbow colours, newspaper cutouts, in sand with a photo taken etc) three times and three sentences in their homework jotter. You can mix and match the three ways you do it; write one in rainbow colours, cut one set out in newspapers and just type the last one etc – it is up to you!

2.) BugClub Reading Books/Online Bugclub – pages to be read/task will be written on homework marker to do in your homework jotter/Glow Blogs. 

3.) Maths: Beat that challenge! Try your best! Do working on the back of the sheet if you need to. Try a new strategy! Please try the questions yourself – give your parents/guardians a break. If you’re not sure, come and ask me. Just make sure you don’t do it the day before the due date!!!!

P.s. Use your homework guidance sheets to help you. It’s what they are there for.  They are like cheat sheets!

A farewell to Sam and Amelia…

Today at 3pm, we had to say a sad goodbye to Sam and Amelia, who will be going back to Arkansas in the U.S.A. Both of them have played a big part in our P5/6 class and they have made many great friends, that I’m sure will all miss them dearly. We hope they both have fun in their new school (previous school) and that some day, they’ll get to come back and visit us in Glasgow, Scotland.