Homework: Wednesday 28th March (completed)

Homework this week consists of:

1.) 10 spelling words to be written (in rainbow colours, newspaper cutouts, in sand with a photo taken etc) three times and three sentences in their homework jotter. You can mix and match the three ways you do it; write one in rainbow colours, cut one set out in newspapers and just type the last one etc – it is up to you!

2.) BugClub Reading Books/Online Bugclub – pages to be read/task will be written on homework marker to do in your homework jotter/Glow Blogs. 

Write three questions based on what you have read – Try to include a variety of literal, inferential and evaluative questions.

  • A literal question asks you to find facts explicitly (very obviously shown in the text) located “on the lines”.
    xamples of literal questions (given that the text actually has the answer written down and you just need to skim or scan the text to find it)What is the name of the text? What is the character’s name?
  • An inferential question asks you to read ‘between the lines’ where the answer will not be as straight forwardly written down, but rather, you have to find clues to reach your answer:
    xamples of inferential questions (encourage you to scan for ideas/actions of characters or descriptions)How do you know the main character was angry? Who do you think felt angry? What were the motives behind the main character’s actions?
  • An evaluation question asks the reader to decide whether he or she agrees with the author’s ideas or point of view in light of his/her own knowledge.  These questions can be answered from “in your head”.
    xamples of evaluative questions (encourage you to give your opinion after reading the text)What do you think of the text? What kind of person do you think the author is? How did you feel about the main character?

Choose a topic based on what you have read and put it in your own wordsPlease summarise the topic and put it in your own words wherever possible.  Understandably, if they are names of things then you cannot put those in your own words! You can, however, add your own opinion to it – as long as you make it clear that it is  your own opinion.

3.) Maths: Beat that challenge! Try your best! Do working on the back of the sheet if you need to. Try a new strategy! Please try the questions yourself – give your parents/guardians a break. If you’re not sure, come and ask me. Just make sure you don’t do it the day before the due date!!!!

P.s. Use your homework guidance sheets to help you. It’s what they are there for.  They are like cheat sheets!