Homework: Wednesday 28th February (Completed)

Homework this week consists of:

1.) 10 spelling words to be written (in rainbow colours, newspaper cutouts, in sand with a photo taken etc) three times and three sentences in their homework jotter. You can mix and match the three ways you do it; write one in rainbow colours, cut one set out in newspapers and just type the last one etc – it is up to you!


2.) BugClub Reading Books/Online Bugclub – pages to be read/task will be written on homework marker to do in your homework jotter/Glow Blogs. 

  • Can you spot a connection in the form of a text-to-text (have you read similar books with similar ideas/similar author?), text-to-self (does any part of the story remind you of something that has happened to yourself in your own life) or text-to-world (does it make you aware of the bigger world; can you relate it to the news or real life stories that are not linked to your own life?)?

3.) Maths: Beat that challenge! Try your best! Do working on the back of the sheet if you need to. Try a new strategy! Please try the questions yourself – give your parents/guardians a break. If you’re not sure, come and ask me. Just make sure you don’t do it the day before the due date!!!!

P.s. Use your homework guidance sheets to help you. It’s what they are there for.  They are like cheat sheets!

One comment

  1. says:

    I connect this story to the Three Little Pigs because the wolf tries to blow the house down but he is not strong enough to. In the end he does not get to eat Polly just like the wolf in the 3 Little Pigs.

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