Health & Wellbeing: CPR & Recovery Position Training

Today was exceptionally busy with visitors! Dr. Tom (a paediatric A&E doctor from the Royal Hospital for Children), came into our class today to teach us how to react to emergency situations during a cardiac arrest.  Not only did we learn about Dr. Tom, we were also introduced to another doctor.  DR. ABC! It’s a mnemonic for: Danger, Response *call for help during this* Airway, Breathing, Circulation)! We learned to carry out CPR on a poorly person if ABC was non-existent, and to put the ill patient in a recovery position if we could detect ABC.  It was a lot of fun, and we are all now very aware of keeping ourselves safe, as well as those that may need our help if we pass them by in an emergency situation.

“Bad CPR is better than no CPR.  You could save a life!” said Dr. Tom.

Here in our video is Dr. Tom demonstrating the Recovery Position on Jay.  There are also photos of the day below – please leave your comments 🙂


  1. says:

    miss li , can you please ask Tom to come back in to teach us about something else because that cpr lesson we did was really fun and i learned so much

    • says:

      Hello Amalia, I asked Tom and he said he loved science from a very young age, but didn’t want to be stuck in a laboratory on his own. So he chose to be a doctor! Science and being around people = best of both! He also added… “My dad said it was a good career path too!”

    • says:

      That is fantastic, Shivangi! What was the issue before? Did you manage to suss it out, or was it a lucky try?

      I will let Dr. Tom know. He said “Miss Li, you have some really great students in your class!” and had mentioned you asking some very good questions throughout the workshop, and mentioned you had helped support your classmates when they struggled with a few questions. Top notch!

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