Homework: Wednesday 24th January (Completed)

Homework this week consists of:

1.) 10 spelling words to be written (in rainbow colours, newspaper cutouts, in sand with a photo taken etc) three times and three sentences in their homework jotter. You can mix and match the three ways you do it; write one in rainbow colours, cut one set out in newspapers and just type the last one etc – it is up to you!


2.) BugClub Reading Books/Online Bugclub – pages to be read/task will be written on homework marker to do in your homework jotter


3.) Maths: Beat that challenge! Try your best! Do working on the back of the sheet if you need to. Try a new strategy!


4.) Learn their Scottish poem “Crocodile” for the Burns Assembly on the 25th. https://www.makewav.es/story/483351/title/crocodilebyjkannand



P.s. Use your homework guidance sheets to help you. It’s what they are there for.

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