Class 3 Art Installation Project

Our school hosted their annual art exhibition in January. The focus was 50 years in recognition of the school’s birthday celebrations this year. 

As part of the development process for our art installation, Class 3  spent time learning about what was life 50 years ago when St. Albert’s first opened including…

…what music people were listening and dancing to.

(We chose our favourite songs that came out in the early 1970s!)

…the books children were reading. We shared The Giant Jam Sandwich, a popular children’s story published in 1972.

…the food people were eating. We made the 1970’s children’s party classic: The Hedgehog!

This became the inspiration for our artwork!

We used cheese and fruit snacks popular with children today to create a modern take on ‘The Hedgehog’.

When we opened the snacks, we realised there was a lot of rubbish. MUCH more than when we made the original hedgehog snacks. This was because of all the packaging.

When we sorted through the packaging, it was mostly made of plastic which cannot be recycled…

Unlike the original hedgehogs.

We learned plastic packaging often ends up in our environment. Almost all of the litter in the playground was plastic packaging!


Plastic is our environment  is not good for animals. They often it it or get trapped…and they might die. 

Our artwork highlighted the over-packaging of food sold in our supermarkets, especially snacks aimed at children.


Here we are talking to the judges about our artwork!