Term 1… 50th birthday party fun!

Class 3 kicked off St. Albert’s 50th Birthday celebrations with a fabulous party! 

When asked about what we could do to help with the school’s 50th anniversary, Class 3 responded with a resounding, “Let’s have a party!” So, our focus for Term 1 has been planning and hosting a party for staff, family and friends, as well as a very special guest, Joanna…an ex-St. Albert’s pupil, who started at the school in 1973!

The first step was to work out a date so we looked at a calendar and decided the second last week of term would give us enough time to prepare and would not be too busy with end-of-term activities. Next, we had to work out who to invite, so everyone wrote their own guest list. We jointly constructed an invitation that the children filled in and decorated. The children hand delivered their invitations, and we posted one to Mrs Creevy. 

Our next step was to work out what decorations and things we needed to make for the party, so we wrote another list. We decided it was important to make a special birthday banner, cards, presents and party hats. 

So, we got to work! 

In the end, we designed and made badges as gifts for our guests and, I’m sure you’ll agree, our party hats are pretty cool! 


The week before our party, everyone chose some music to be on our party playlist and we agreed on games to play including musical statues and musical chairs – Mariam felt it was very important we had prizes to give out to the winners!

 The final week was a busy one. Working out what food to make and serve to our guests, meant writing a shopping list and trip to the shops as well as lots…

and lots…

…and lots of baking!

Fortunately, we were able to save on ingredients by picking apples grown in the school Eco garden to make some delicious apple and ginger muffins.  

When the day finally came for our party, we blew up balloons and decorated the classroom. We laid out the food and decorated the birthday cake.


We welcomed our guests amid much excitement, handing out badges and party hats. We played our games, had prizes and shared the fabulous food we had made.

In the end, we welcomed two special guests – Mrs Hanif (who celebrated her 50th birthday the day before) and Joanna (Ex-pupil) – who we presented with our specially made birthday cake.  


We finished our party by asking Joanna questions about what St. Albert’s was like when it first opened and how the school has changed. She said the building had not changed much at all in 50 years!

Everyone agreed it was a wonderful party and a great way to kick off St. Albert’s year of 50th birthday celebrations! 🥳🎂💜






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