We continued to practise using different scales to weigh items around the classroom.  It was tricky to find items that weight exactly 1kg, 2kg and 3kg. We had fun trying lots of different items.


Angry Art

Primary 3 have been learning about different emotions in health and well-being recently.

Yesterday, they were looking at art that showed the emotion, anger. We found that these pieces of art used a lot of red and black colours and also had lots of scribble looking lines.

We decided to create our own angry art. Have a look at how well we did and at our amazing angry faces!


Tens and Units

Primary 3 were making tens and units in the sensory garden today!

Hasnain and Taylor even challenged themselves to make hundreds, tens and units.

here is some evidence of their great work.










Some Homework tasks for this week…

Can you have a go at any of these homework tasks this week?


Can you find objects outside that have an oo sound in their name? Leave a comment on the blog of some of the things you found!


Can you make number stories with natural objects outside? this could be leaves, twigs, pebbles, conkers and many more things. Remember not to pull any twigs, leaves or flowers out of the ground as they are still growing. Take a picture of your number stoty and add it to the blog.


Can you measure the length of a wall in your house using handspans? Leave a comment to say how long the wall was.


Read for at least ten minutes a day. This could be a book, newspaper, blog, online book, magazine, comic or anything with words!


Write about your favourite game. What is it? How do you play? How many people can play? Why do you enjoy it?


Today P3 started their measure topic.  They practiced using a measuring tape and took measurements of items in the classroom and in the playground.
I measured the height of the pupils and we will take new measurements every term.  This will show us how much they grow during P3.

Here are some photos of their learning.

See you all tomorrow,

Mrs D x

Senses hunt today and home task

Today P3 had a senses scavenger hunt in the sensory garden.

Can you find things in your house and leave a comment below.








Here are some of the things we found today.

Something long.
Something man made

Something round
Something that smells – flowers!
Something red
Something smooth
Something noisy
Something smooth
Something smooth
Something rough
Something tall
Something noisy and man made
Something yellow
Something red

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to school everyone!

It’s been a long time since we were at school, even longer for Mrs McCafferty! So we have been taking some time to get ourselves used to our environment again and ease back into our school work with some fun activities!

It’s been so great getting to see each other again and work together after Lockdown.

Let’s have a look at some of the fun activities we have been up to since we came back to school a few weeks ago.

Lockdown Haircuts got a bit crazy!

We had fun acting out in the Sensory Garden.

Let’s hope we can have this much fun the whole year!


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