All posts by gw13kellykatherin@glow

Classroom environment

During our soft start time each morning, we all enjoy using our own Play-do to create different things. We used our imagination to make cupcakes, pizzas and cake pops!

As a class we discussed and decided it would be fun to have a role play area in our classroom – we chose a cafe/ bakery. During this type of role play we develop our mathematical language, counting skills and our sharing and negotiation skills too!


Class information


In primary 2/3, our teacher is Miss Duncan .

Every Tuesday Miss Dunnet teaches us all day.

School starts at 9am and ends at 3 pm. Playtime is from 10.45-11.00, lunch is from 12.30-1pm and our afternoon play is from 2-2.15pm.

We have P.E  on a  Tuesday and Friday afternoon.

We use our outdoor space a lot  for learning, so please remember to bring a waterproof jacket every day. If you can, please bring wellies to school and indoor shoes can also be kept in school.

Water machines can not be used in school just now, please bring a big water bottle to school each day- learning is thirsty work!

P2/3 will leave the school from the  schools main door and should be collected from sensory garden.