Today’s learning and home tasks.

Today P2/3 were ordering items by height. From shortest to tallest.

Can you write the names of your family in height order? Put the shortest person first.


The class also did a senses hunt in the sensory garden.

Can you list some items from your house?

Find something:

  • smooth
  • rough
  • noisy
  • long
  • short
  • yellow
  • red


See you all tomorrow 🙂

Adjectives to decscribe Mr Twit Something yellow. Something man made and noisy. Something round. Something round. Something long. Something red and from a plant. something round. What we found.


16 thoughts on “Today’s learning and home tasks.”

      1. Lulu

        Smooth/my teddy bear
        Rough/ tv stand
        Noisy/washing machine
        Long/ my bed
        Short/ my doll
        Yellow/ l have yellow flowers
        Red/ my carpet

  1. Aiza Fatimah Afzal

    My family from shortest to longest

    Smooth: Cushion
    Rough: PlayStation Console
    Noisy: The neighbours next door
    Long: The bigger sofa, the bigger candles, the big plants
    Short: The smaller candles, the smaller plants
    Yellow: The clock, Ailas iPad cover
    Red: the cushions, the candles, the frames, the vase, the candle holder

    1. Great job! I am so pleased to see you have done both parts of the home tasks. Noisy neighbours are SO annoying. Mrs Dunnet 🙂

  2. Alvina is shortest, then my brother is taller, then my mum, the tallest is dad.

    Rough- chair
    Noisy- hoover
    Long- ruler
    Short- doll
    Yellow- banana
    Red- jumper

    1. Great job! I am so pleased to see you have done both parts of the home tasks. I hope you helped with the hoovering. Mrs Dunnet 🙂

  3. Answers from Eesa

    Shortest to tallest

    Adam, Eesa, Mummy, Daddy

    Smooth – curtains
    Rough – sponge
    Noisy – Adam
    Long – toy sword
    Short – Adam
    Yellow – toy transformer
    Red – celebrations box

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