All posts by Miss Quinn

Week beginning 14.06.21

Hello everyone,

We have had another super fun week this week, we have played outdoors in the lovely weather and even had time to jump in muddy puddles! We got into our wet suits and wellies for the rainy day and had so much fun rolling down the muddy hill, jumping in puddles and making some mud pies!

We have also been on a shape hunt round the different areas of the school and spotted different shapes including squares, circles and rectangles!

Also, using chalk we were using chalk to write our CVC words and our numbers to 20 on the ground. We love playing with chalk and being able to draw different pictures too!

Fun Learning!

Last week Primary 1 had a super fun and busy week.

In maths, we were learning all about weight and how heavy and light objects are. We explored this in the classroom by finding an object and deciding if it was heavy or light. We worked with a partner and held both objects to see who had the heavier/lighter one!

We got the chance to use some very cool scales to weigh different toys from the classroom. This was so much fun and we worked together in a group to do this.

We also learned how to fix sentences which never had any capital letters or full stops! We had to make each letter at the start of the sentence a capital and we added full stops to the end.

We had lots of fun playing outside where we played team games on the MUGA and some races. We remembered to go to the back once we had ran and to sit down, the first team all sitting down were the winners. This was lots of fun but it was a super hot day so we also had to take lots of rests and drank plenty of water.

Primary 1 have been having lots of fun over the last few weeks.

We have been very busy learning about lots of things. This term, our topic is Growing and Living and we were so lucky to have duck eggs in our school. When they hatched, we were able to feel the ducklings and how soft they were! We also took them swimming and watched them having lots of fun, they even splashed some of us! As a class, we were learning all about the duck life cycle and it was amazing to see the little ducklings in their cage with each other. The first one born was called Albert – he is much lighter in colour and we loved to watch him have a swim! We used what we learned about the duck life cycle to write some sentences about this and remembered to use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces in our writing,

In numeracy,  we have been learning about money and being able to recognise the different coins from 1p to £2. We have been talking about the shape and colours of them. We have also been playing games on the smart board for sorting two coins into two different groups.  We are also learning about measure and have been looking at different items in the class and have used some cubs to measure them. Also, we have been comparing the sizes of different leaves in our groups and putting them in order from smallest to biggest.

In science,  we carried out a very exciting “dancing beans” experiment as we have recently planted some tomato seeds in our plant pots. We have just started to read “Jack and the Beanstalk” and found it very fun to use some of our own magic beans in an experiment. It was so much fun watching the beans dance around in the cup. We were able to explain why they danced in fizzy water but not in still water.

Here are some pictures below of some of our learning that we have done over the last few weeks!