Another week has passed and Class 1 would like to share with you their learning!!!
This week in Maths we have been learning all about numbers and patterns. We looked at repeating a pattern in a variety of ways: colour, shapes, numbers. Being able to copy a pattern is important as it allows the children to think about what is the same and what is different.
Sorley practiced skipping counting by 2s and 5s using natural materials and playing lots of games.
Murray and Zainab worked hard with adding numbers up to 20.
Azaan, Joshua, Abdul, Seher, Mariam, Muhsin, and Diego have continued to work on our number recognition and they even started to practice before and after numbers to ten.
This week in Class 1 we started to learn our sounds. Diego, Seher, and Mariam have been learning the “s” sound. We played a matching game and we had to put the objects that start with that sound in the correct places. Murray and Zainab practiced the “ai” sound. You can challenge them at home by asking about things that start with or contain these sounds.
Joshua, Muhsin, and Abdul had a lot of fun building up their names using playdough and letter moulds.
Sorley enjoyed his outdoor learning, combining reading with football!!! Well done Sorley, with this great kicking technique you managed to read all the CVC -word cones!!
- In H/WB, Class 1 explored again Emotions and Feelings through the book ” The Colour Monster”. We decorated our own gingerbread man using icing sugar based on the colour of our feeling and we created the Tree of emotions . In PE we practised our balancing skills and coordination creating an obstacle course!!
Class 1, has started with our Sustainability Topic which is about plants and gardening. We explored our garden and we collected blackberries in our buckets in order to make a delicious jam for our breakfast next week.
Classroom Event!!!!Mrs. Rooney had her birthday this week and Class 1 prepared a party with lots of dancing and cupcakes!!
Free play and Art in Class 1!!
Have a lovely and relaxing weekend Class 1!! See you all on Monday!!
Miss Symeonidou