All posts by Miss Symeonidou

Outdoor Learning Week 2!!


Class 1 loved learning outdoors. This week we have covered lots of areas of the curriculum by learning outside and exploring the different ways that we can use our school grounds.

In literacy we practised different sounds and letters and we planted lettuce words in our wee garden.

In maths, we practised our mental strategies and place value using sticks and leaves, stick =10 and leaf=5. We created lots of maths problems and we solved them with the visual support of numicon shapes. We also found out how to estimate the life of a tree  just by measuring its circumference. Based on our knowledge that roughly every 25cm of girth represents about 10 year’s growth, we estimated that the trees in our playground are 30 years old (75cm).

For our topic, we continued talking about living things in our school grounds and we made our own bird feeders.We also created beautiful art pieces by rubbing barks and comparing the different the shapes and surfaces. The kids enjoyed exploring secret paths in our garden and performing their drama skills through play. Finally we used our senses to feel, smell and see the variety of herbs that grow in Eco graden. We collected some of them to use them for our sensory activities. At the same time we checked the lentils that we planted and we were so happy when we saw the small stems that have started to grow. We added some drops of water and we placed the pot close to the window

Have a lovely October break everyone!!

Miss Symeonidou

Outdoor learning Week 1!

Hello everyone!!

We have been having so much fun in Class 1 this week for our outdoor learning week.

In literacy, we continue practicing with our sounds and letters. Sorley read CVC words on the logs and Murray and Zainab ha a race picking up the correct “ai” word from the washing line!! Seher, Mariam, and Diego made an alphabet potion while Joshua, Muhsin, and Abdul dug for alphabet letters.

In maths, we continued learning our numbers using washing lines and checking for missing numbers. Sorley also worked hard with skipping counting in steps of 4s!!

For our topic this week we searched for living things in our garden and we planted lentils in a pot using cotton!!

In H/WB we played a lot outside creating our own obstacle routes and we baked healthy muffins using courgette and feta cheese!! That’s a recipe that Miss Symie used to do very often when was in Greece 🙂

Have a lovely weekend everyone!!!

Miss Symeonidou

McMillan Fundraising Day!!!!!

Dear parents,

Tomorrow is our Macmillan Fundraising day, please read below for all the exciting things happening in the school!

Funday Thursday!

Children can come to school on Thursday wearing their pyjamas, wearing their own clothes (non-uniform) or sporting a crazy hairdo! If they would like to bring a small donation of £1 to participate, that would be fabulous.

Virtual Coffee Morning

On Thursday, Mrs McFadden will host a Virtual Coffee Morning via Zoom at 10am. At said event, there will be a raffle taking place with lots of good prizes available; food vouchers, chocolates, vouchers for local businesses etc. Raffles are £1 per strip . If you want to be in with the chance of winning, can you please send your child with money to school tomorrow!

If you’d like to donate a prize for the raffle – please feel free to email myself or Mrs McFadden;

Mrs McFadden will send a Zoom link for those interested in attending on Wednesday.


We will be selling doughnuts on Thursday morning at playtimes and lunchtimes to raise some more cash for MacMillan! Please send your child with money if they wish to buy some!

Family Fun – Sponsored walks!

If your family would like to organise and participate in a sponsored walk, I can send home a Sponsor Sheet for you to record the donations you’ve collected.

Thank you

Miss Symeonidou

Class 1 is unbe-LEAF-able!!!

This week we have been exploring the story Leaf Man, by Lois Ehlert.

Leaf Man

We discussed her stunning illustrations and commented on her use of colour and how this links to autumn. As part of our science learning, we examined trees in our woodland area and noted the changes we could see. Did you know that trees begin to lose their leaves in autumn because the days are getting shorter and the temperature is getting colder?




We collected different leaves and created beautiful animal and nature collages.



We also used our leaves in teaching mathematical concepts such as counting, patterns, sorting, addition, and data analysis.     



In Literacy, we continue with the Jolly Phonics sounds.

Last week we went to pick blackberries from our garden. We have our secret spot in the garden. Here the thorny bushes are overladen with large, juicy berries.  Luckily there are still many berries within reach. This week we talked about blackberries and we made our own blackberry jam. It was a lovely experience for all the kids we prepare their own product and then enjoy it with their breakfast!!



This week, as part of our Sustainability Topic, we planted our own flower seeds. We talked about the parts of the plant and learned how we can plant a seed in the ground. We realised that, firstly, we need to use a leaf rake to gather the leaves off the garden. We were extremely careful when we used our gardening tools and we tried to protect all the living things and their habitats. We were so excited that we found a CATERPILLAR within the leaves. We hold it carefully in our hands and then we returned it back to its natural habitat!




Our favourite part of the day- The Light Room!!

In Class 1, we build up our social skills by playing together! Lovely moments from our class showing the power of FRIENDSHIP!!




Pizza and crafts for a relaxing Friday afternoon!!




See you all on Monday!!

Miss Symeonidou

Our Week in Class 1! :)

Another week has passed and Class 1 would like to share with you their learning!!!

This week in Maths we have been learning all about numbers and patterns. We looked at repeating a pattern in a variety of ways: colour, shapes, numbers. Being able to copy a pattern is important as it allows the children to think about what is the same and what is different.


Sorley practiced skipping counting by 2s and 5s using natural materials and playing lots of games.

Murray and Zainab worked hard with adding numbers up to 20.

Azaan, Joshua, Abdul, Seher, Mariam, Muhsin, and Diego have continued to work on our number recognition and they even started to practice before and after numbers to ten.

This week in Class 1 we started to learn our sounds. Diego, Seher, and Mariam have been learning the “s” sound. We played a matching game and we had to put the objects that start with that sound in the correct places.  Murray and Zainab practiced the “ai” sound. You can challenge them at home by asking about things that start with or contain these sounds.


Joshua, Muhsin, and Abdul had a lot of fun building up their names using playdough and letter moulds.                                                          

Sorley enjoyed his outdoor learning, combining reading with football!!! Well done Sorley, with this great kicking technique you managed to read all the CVC -word cones!!

  1. In H/WB, Class 1 explored again Emotions and Feelings through the book ” The Colour Monster”. We decorated our own gingerbread man using icing sugar based on the colour of our feeling and we created the Tree of emotions . In PE we practised our balancing skills and coordination creating an obstacle course!!




Class 1, has started with our Sustainability Topic which is about plants and gardening. We explored our garden and we collected blackberries in our buckets in order to make a delicious jam for our breakfast next week.



Classroom Event!!!!Mrs. Rooney had her birthday this week and Class 1 prepared a party with lots of dancing and cupcakes!!


Free play and Art in Class 1!!




Have a lovely and relaxing weekend Class 1!! See you all on Monday!!

Miss Symeonidou

An Amazing Week!!

What another lovely week we’ve had in Class 1.

We’ve been continuing to focus on our emotions this week and we’ve been looking at our SHANARRI wellbeing indicators (safe, healthy, active, achieving, nurtured, respected, responsible and included).

On H/WB we focused on personal hygiene and the kids had a go at the pepper and dish soap experiment! We were totally surprised as we watched the pepper scatter to the sides!! Have a look

We also continued with our topic about healthy lifestyles.  We baked healthy oat biscuits and we made yummy popcorns (We don’t need the unhealthy crisps when we can pop popcorns!! 😉 )They were both DELICIOUS!





In PE we practiced our skipping skills!!



In Maths we worked hard with patterns and number recognition and in Literacy, we practiced our phonics and writing skills!



Moments from our classroom this week…


Have a  lovely weekend Class 1!! See you all on Monday 🙂

Miss Symeonidou