Outdoor Learning Week 2!!


Class 1 loved learning outdoors. This week we have covered lots of areas of the curriculum by learning outside and exploring the different ways that we can use our school grounds.

In literacy we practised different sounds and letters and we planted lettuce words in our wee garden.

In maths, we practised our mental strategies and place value using sticks and leaves, stick =10 and leaf=5. We created lots of maths problems and we solved them with the visual support of numicon shapes. We also found out how to estimate the life of a tree  just by measuring its circumference. Based on our knowledge that roughly every 25cm of girth represents about 10 year’s growth, we estimated that the trees in our playground are 30 years old (75cm).

For our topic, we continued talking about living things in our school grounds and we made our own bird feeders.We also created beautiful art pieces by rubbing barks and comparing the different the shapes and surfaces. The kids enjoyed exploring secret paths in our garden and performing their drama skills through play. Finally we used our senses to feel, smell and see the variety of herbs that grow in Eco graden. We collected some of them to use them for our sensory activities. At the same time we checked the lentils that we planted and we were so happy when we saw the small stems that have started to grow. We added some drops of water and we placed the pot close to the window

Have a lovely October break everyone!!

Miss Symeonidou

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