Friday Debate – Brave, Not Perfect.

Who remembers how to debate? Who loves debating? Who wants to debate on gender equality? Me, me and me!!

I’ve found this fantastic TEDTalk about teaching girls to take risks and that it’s ok not to be perfect.  The talk is just over 12 minutes long but has some excellent points throughout it. Here’s the link –

The title of the debate is – Should girls be encouraged to take risks?

I have made this short clip of steps  explaining what I want you to do. Have a watch…

Even if you don’t write up a debating argument for this, watch the Ted Talk anyway and take some notes on it. It is very important to all of you. Can you relate to what Reshma is saying? Do you feel like you’re encouraged to take risks but your sister isn’t? Leave a comment and let me know what you think.

Here is the link to the BBC Bitesize lesson on debating. We have learned all of this before but watch the clips and read the lesson for a reminder of what a debate is, how to form a debate and how to carry out debating. Knowing how to verbalise (express/say) your opinion is a very useful life skill which you’ll use throughout your education years and for the rest of your life.

Have fun with this task, learn new things, form an opinion and be able to justify it.

When we get some of your thoughts on this, we will move on to the debate. I thought it would be good to video yourself debating for your side and send me them then we can upload them to the blog and have a virtual P6/7 debate. 😊👌

Good luck and enjoy,

Miss McCue xx


2 thoughts on “Friday Debate – Brave, Not Perfect.

    1. Hey Aleeza, would you be able to download Microsoft Teams onto your ipad and use the email address I sent you to see if we can chat on that please?

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