Wednesday 3rd June 2020

Good morning boys and girls,

I’m going into school again today to help get the school building safe and ready for your August return.

Today’s Task-

Health and Wellbeing-

Recycle for Glasgow-

Read over the the recycling text below and then answer the questions about why it is important to recycle.

As I will be in school most days now there will no longer be a blog post of tasks for you everyday. Remember to use your sumdog account and the learning pack that was delivered to you.

I shall post the answers to the questions on Friday and don’t forget to fill in your healthy eating journal.

Contact me anytime-

Missing you all,

Mrs Hughes

4 thoughts on “Wednesday 3rd June 2020”

    1. Hello Hikmah,
      I’ve been in school sorting the class out the last few days. I wish you could be there to help me organise things as you’re good at that .
      Missing you,
      Mrs Hughes x

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