Good morning P5 / Tuesday 19th May 2020

Hello boys and girls,

How are you all today? Yesterday my son Mark and I went out for a walk and got caught in a downpour and ended up absolutely soaked. I suppose the flowers and trees will be happy as they needed a drink of water.

The end of Ramadan is nearly here and Eid-ul-Fitr is at the weekend. Here is a powerpoint (link below) about Ramadan. I really enjoyed learning about how Ramadan is a very important time for Muslims.


Try this reading comprehension and let me know how you get on answering the questions.


Here is another multplication challenge-


Remember to send me some more pictures and videos of what you have been doing at home and I can add them to the blog.

Stay safe,

Mrs Hughes


4 thoughts on “Good morning P5 / Tuesday 19th May 2020”

  1. Hi Anum,

    It was lovely chatting to you yesterday. How are you today? Let me know what you are getting up to.

    Miss you loads,
    Mrs Hughes

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