Happy Friday P5 / 15th May 2020

Hello boys and girls,

It was so nice talking on the phone to your parents and some of you yesterday. I spoke to Eesa, Inaaya, Hasan, Iqra and Fatimah. I am delighted that you are staying very positive and upbeat during these strange lockdown times. It’s great to hear that you have been outside exercising on your bikes and keeping active.  Hopefully I will manage to speak to more of you over the next few days as I continue making my phone calls.

Today’s Tasks


How did you get on with using the mnemonic  “My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Noodles” to help you remember the order of the planets?

Why not take this short quiz to see what you can remember about the planets (link below).



Did you give yesterday’s multiplication tasks a try? I would love you to  send me a photo of your work. Remember you can use Sumdog everyday to improve your maths skills.

Leave a comment on the blog or email me anytime-


Have a super weekend,

Mrs Hughes

6 thoughts on “Happy Friday P5 / 15th May 2020”

    1. Hello Hikmah,

      It’s great that you’re posting on the blog. Let me know how you are getting on during lockdown. Take care and stay safe.
      Missing you loads,
      Mrs Hughes

  1. hi mrs Hughes It is iqra I miss u and the class. 😘😘😂😂😷🤪🤪🤫😷😷😷😷😷🤗🤗🥰🥰

    1. Hello Inaaya,
      It’s great to hear from you. I’m really missing seeing you in class. Stay in touch and let me know what you are getting up to.
      Mrs Hughes

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