Good afternoon P5 / 14th May 2020

Hi everyone,

Yesteday I spoke to some of your parents and some of you which was lovely. I’m so pleased to hear you are doing well and staying safe and healthy. Today I’m going to continue phoning parents and hope to speak to you on the phone too.

I replied to Noor Fatimah and Mohamed on the blog yesterday. It would be great to hear from everyone as it helps us all stay in touch.

Today’s Tasks


Did you watch the short video clip on yesterday’s blog about some of the properties the planets in our solar system have? We discovered that our Solar System has eight “official” planets. These planets orbit the Sun. Here are the planets listed in order of their distance from the Sun:

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

An easy way to remember the planet order is to use a mnemonic. A  mnemonic is a pattern of letters, ideas, or associations which assists in remembering something.

To remember the order of the planets a good mnemonic is “My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Noodles.”

See if you can learn the order of the planets.


Have-a-go at these multiplication sums (links below) and let me know if you find them too easy, okay or a bit tricky.

multiplication_facts_to_81_001 (1)


Contact me at the email below or leave a comment on the blog-

Have a good day,

Mrs Hughes

2 thoughts on “Good afternoon P5 / 14th May 2020”

    1. Hi Iqra,
      It was lovely to talk to you yesterday. It would be great if you could send me another wee video for the blog to share with your class mates and school staff. Missing you loads, Mrs Hughes

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