It’s okay to feel!

It’s important to remember that things are difficult right now and it’s okay to feel however you feel. You might feel happy and excited at times but you might also feel sad and maybe a little angry at times too. That’s okay. I feel all these things too.

The staff at St Albert’s have made a video all about feelings and what you can do during these difficult times when you are feeling sad.


Stay safe and remember it’s okay to feel!
Miss you all so much.

Miss Milne 🙂

3 thoughts on “It’s okay to feel!”

  1. Good morning everyone in P2/3.

    How are you all? I was just reading Miss Milne’s message and I think she is so right… it definitely is okay to feel whatever you feel. I know I can have lots of different feelings about different things in the same hour sometimes. 10 minutes ago I felt a bit annoyed with my husband, but then he made some jokes to make me laugh and cheer me up. Now I am not annoyed at him anymore. It is good to laugh. If somebody in your house is feeling down, you could try to make them laugh. Or if you are feeling down, you could try to think of something funny to cheer yourself up. Sometimes when I feel scared of a spider, I try to picture the spider in my head wearing sunglasses, a helmet and roller skates. It makes me smile and the spider seems less scary!

    Sending you lots of love.
    Mrs Hunter-Andreuccetti

  2. “Hi I have been learning that we have positive and negative feelings. It is fine to have any feelings. You can share your feelings if you want to because it’s your choice. It’s good to share your feelings because other people might know what to do to make you happy. I made mind maps about feelings and comfort. My favourite comfort is a hug because it makes me feel happy. If you FaceTime a friend you will get really happy because it’s like you went to their house to see them. Mummy told me her phone was black and white and she had no FaceTime. I am happy because when I’m a kid I have lots of things mummy didn’t have a long time ago when she was in Primary two. I am about to do glitter makeup it makes me happy. “

  3. Hi Aila,
    This is a lovely message you wrote about feelings… I am so glad you chose to share this with us!

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