This week in primary 1a has been lots of fun. In maths we have been learning how to tell the time. We have been talking about when different things happen in the school day. So when school starts and ends and what time we have lunch. At home you can show us a clock and ask us what the o’clock time is. We have been continuing to practice our number formation as well.
We have continued to work on our sounds and have been learning new sounds. Ask us at home to sound out words that have the ‘ee’ or ‘or’ sound. Also this week we have been focusing on ‘we are going on a bear hunt’. We read the story together in class and then we used different objects to make the sounds created by the onomatopoeic words. You can ask us how we made these sounds.
We have been practicing writing words independently. Qailah was writing ‘windmill’.
Here are some other photos of the fun we have been having in class this week.
Have a great weekend everyone!