Thursday 23rd April 2020

Happy Thursday everyone!

Really hope you’re all doing well. Keep the comments and pictures of any work or exciting creative stuff coming! Khadija sent this gorgeous picture of an art project she’s been working on at home. How beautiful!

As always enjoy your day, and at the end of a phone call or email if you need anything. It was great seeing some of your work yesterday, and even listening to reading book recordings… well done you guys!


Gym lesson online with Joe Wicks LIVE

9:30-10:00: Literacy

Sound matching activities… I have attached a game you can play with your child matching the initial sound with the object in the picture or alternatively you can download and play around with the other worksheets. The choices start off with first sounds and get trickier as you go down. Please help your child select the one that is the right level of challenge for them.

Initial sound matching game.

Initial Sound Matching Sheets

Ch and Sh Words

Ee and Oo Words

Oy and Oa Words

10:30-11:15: Break Time


11:15-12:15: Maths

Today we’ll revise a concept we were working so hard on before the holidays, telling the time. Here are a couple of online games for the children to practise their skills. The children are familiar with these games and use them in class to warm up their brains.

Remember the most useful thing you can do at home to develop an understanding of time is talk to the children about your daily routines and what happens when. Wearing a watch at home can also give your child increased opportunity to play with and explore telling the time.

Help the bear tell the time.

Time Tools matching game.

12:15-1pm: Lunch 

1-1.30 pm: Fine Motor Skills

One of the really important aspects of our daily school life is play. These play based experiences help us make sense of the world around us and also assist in our development of fine and gross motor skills which impacts on our cognitive activity and even our pencil grip etc.

I have attached a suggested activity you could try at home to help develop these skills.

1.30-2.30pm: Art

Join our very own Miss Milne and try to follow along to make a paper twirlie toy…. All you need is some paper and scissors. Remember to get an adult to help you when using scissors!

Alternatively you can choose to do some colouring in… here are some dinosaur colouring sheets for those who fancy that.

Dinosaur Colouring Sheets

If you fancy a digital spin on your art work here’s a link to an amazing online colouring game…

2-2:30pm: Break Time

2:30-3pm: Story and chat

At the end of each day, we will send you stories to listen to/read. Some of these will be read by your lovely St. Albert’s teachers, others might be by famous authors. To get ready for the story:

  • Get a snack and a drink
  • Get somewhere comfy – on cushions/sofa/bed, under a blanket
  • Get one of your parents or a brother/sister to listen with you

Here are today’s stories:

P1-3 In Class 1 we really enjoy listening to audio stories of authors reading their own books… here is Michael Rosen’s version of ‘The Bear Hunt’.

The 30 days of free books from David Walliams has now ended, however, lucky for us he’s leaving them up until Friday for us to catch up with. I’d recommend Fussy Frankie. Here’s the link to catch up with the stories below.

Wednesday 22nd April 2020

Look at all the number 2s in today’s date… isn’t it funny when dates do that? How many 2s and how many 0s? Stick your answers in the comments :-). 

Good morning, I can’t believe we’re already half way through the first week back. Normally we would be off to swimming and then doing our class shop, sometimes popping by the Bakery on the way back to school. I am so looking forward to these days again.

Since the weather has been so nice I have attached some maths challenge cards for when you’re outdoors, just click on the link below the picture… let me know if you manage to complete them all!

Outdoor Maths Challenge Cards



Gym lesson online with Joe Wicks LIVE

9:30-10:00: Literacy

Log in to and choose one of your assigned Bug Club reading books for the day. You can even record yourself reading and send me clips! Can’t wait to hear how you’re getting on. Remember if the books are becoming too easy let me know, I can easily assign you new ones.

Mrs Dunnett was kind enough to create this literacy challenge… a wordsearch of St Albert’s teachers names. Who can you find? You can even complete online, how cool! Just click on the link below the image to open the online version.

10:30-11:15: Break Time

11:15-12:15: Maths

Today we’re going to revise our knowledge of 2D and 3D shape. Get your parents to help you select the games and work appropriate for you. I have attached options below, worksheets, those of you who have a printer can use and alternatively online games.


Like we do in class, use the game to warm your brain up then complete the worksheet. Click on the links below to download files. 

2D Shape Colouring

2d shape colouring

3D Shape Hunt

3d shape colouring

Train Shape Pattern Game

Shape Monsters Feeding Game

12:15-1pm: Lunch 

1-1.30 pm: Fine Motor Skills

One of the really important aspects of our daily school life is play. These play based experiences help us make sense of the world around us and also assist in our development of fine and gross motor skills which impacts on our cognitive activity and even our pencil grip etc.

I have attached a suggested activity you could try at home to help develop these skills.

1.30-2.30pm: Spanish Through Music

A friend of Miss Cohen’s has started up a new YouTube channel full of fun sing along videos to help you learn Spanish.

They are really great. I hope you enjoy! Here are the links to my two favourites so far.

Tinker Tales Class

Tinker Espanol Class

2-2:30pm: Break Time

2:30-3pm: Story and chat

At the end of each day, we will send you stories to listen to/read. Some of these will be read by your lovely St. Albert’s teachers, others might be by famous authors. To get ready for the story:

  • Get a snack and a drink
  • Get somewhere comfy – on cushions/sofa/bed, under a blanket
  • Get one of your parents or a brother/sister to listen with you

Here are today’s stories:

P1-3 One of our favourite people Mrs Pattie reading One Clever Creature

Today’s new book from David Walliams just click on the link below and enjoy…

Holiday News Pictures…

Enjoy looking below and seeing what all your friends have been up to. I know you are missing each other lots. It really made me smile seeing all the activities you have been doing to keep busy :-).

Happy Tuesday

Good morning. I hope you are all doing well on this sunny Tuesday morning. The date today is the 21st of April 2020. Can you practice writing your days of the week? Challenge yourself to figure out what tomorrow’s date will be! I hope you all get outside at some point today as the weather is beautiful.


Gym lesson online with Joe Wicks LIVE

9:30-10:00: Literacy

Jolly Phonics- Practise your jolly phonics sounds with the video and do the actions:

Using one of your jotters, practise writing the letters. You can draw the picture from the song too!

Can you write any words?

Use the new BBC Bitesize phonics videos to revise…

First sounds…

Trickier sounds…

Remember to ask an adult to dot your sounds to help with the letter formation!

10:30-11:15: Break Time

11:15-12:15: Maths

Continue to work on yesterday’s maths warm up sheets or alternatively…

The best way for you to keep practising the right maths for you is through SumDog:

Your parents have your log in details. 

Remember I can see your results and set the challenges.. this is great to keep me updated with where you’re at.

12:15-1pm: Lunch 

1-1.30 pm: Fine Motor Skills

One of the really important aspects of our daily school life is play. These play based experiences help us make sense of the world around us and also assist in our development of fine and gross motor skills which impacts on our cognitive activity and even our pencil grip etc.

I have attached a suggested activity you could try at home to help develop these skills.

1.30-2.30pm: Health and Wellbeing

Cosmic Kids Yoga

Stretch, relax and enjoy the Troll Episode…

2-2:30pm: Break Time

2:30-3pm: Story and chat

At the end of each day, we will send you stories to listen to/read. Some of these will be read by your lovely St. Albert’s teachers, others might be by famous authors. To get ready for the story:

  • Get a snack and a drink
  • Get somewhere comfy – on cushions/sofa/bed, under a blanket
  • Get one of your parents or a brother/sister to listen with you

Here are today’s stories:

P1-3 Miss Graham reading Ginger Nut…

Earnest Ernest – This one is very funny, you can use the link to catch up on any stories missed over the holidays too!

Online Learning Reminder…

As well as the daily blog posts please be reminded of the websites we use in class the children are familiar with to support their learning. You should have your child’s individual log in information for each site. Please let me know if you need me to resend it. 

Literacy; Access your individual reading books at


Cross Curricular;



Password; cosmickid11



Welcome Back…

Happy Monday and welcome back after the Easter holidays! I’ve missed you all and seeing your photos of what you’ve been up to. Really looking forward to seeing your holiday news work. I will be in touch with each of your families over the next few days to catch up.

Below are some suggested activities to keep you busy today. As always remember to relax and enjoy the learning tasks you choose to do. You have your individual home learning packs and workbooks I have emailed. Feel free to chip away at these if that’s easier for you.


Gym lesson online with Joe Wicks LIVE

9:30-10:00: Literacy

Holiday News- Can you sound out with an adult and write a few sentences about what you’ve done over the holidays? Remember to ask an adult to dot your writing if this helps and draw a picture to accompany your writing if you can’t print photographs off. I have attached a News Writing worksheets you can choose to use if you’d rather not use your jotter.

Easter Holiday News

Easter Holiday News 2

Easter Holiday News 3

Mum’s and Dad’s I will email you all to gather up some Holiday News pictures for our blog to help the children stay in touch with each other.

10:30-11:15: Break Time


11:15-12:15: Maths

I have attached some basic number work sheets to warm up your brains after the holidays, you can do a couple of them or mums and dads at home you can help choose the one most appropriate for your child.

Numbers 1-10

Numbers 1 – 20

Numbers 1-50

Here is a couple of counting games we use in class to warm up our brains too!

12:15-1pm: Lunch 

1-1.30 pm: Fine Motor Skills

One of the really important aspects of our daily school life is play. These play based experiences help us make sense of the world around us and also assist in our development of fine and gross motor skills which impacts on our cognitive activity and even our pencil grip etc.

I have attached a suggested activity you could try at home to help develop these skills.

1.30-2.30pm: Art

Try doing some painting and printing work at home with some basic tools you will all have around the house like cutlery!

Miss Milne has prepared a great video tutorial to help show you what to do.

2-2:30pm: Break Time

2:30-3pm: Story and chat

At the end of each day, we will send you stories to listen to/read. Some of these will be read by your lovely St. Albert’s teachers, others might be by famous authors. To get ready for the story:

  • Get a snack and a drink
  • Get somewhere comfy – on cushions/sofa/bed, under a blanket
  • Get one of your parents or a brother/sister to listen with you

Here are today’s stories:

P1-3 Miss Bull reading The Huge Bag of Worries…

Miss Petula Perpetual Motion- I am still enjoying the daily David Walliams books!


The Last Day of Term 3…

It’s the last day of term 3. Here’s a video message from me to you.

Day 10 of no school so see below for a ‘could do’ list for today. We want you and your families to look after each other and think about staying safe first so don’t worry if you can’t do all of this today!

A fun extra you can do at home whenever you have some time is an online virtual Easter Egg hunt. I so wish we were having a real one in the sensory garden!



Gym lesson online with Joe Wicks LIVE

9:30-10:30: Literacy

Reading books time… log on to Bug Club Active Learn website and read your assigned books. Remember to let me know if there’s anything about this your finding tricky.

Your parents have your log in information. Just ask them for help!

Once you’ve done this… have a look at vooks, it’s the best for discovering new stories and helps us explore digital literacy.

Log in;

Password; cosmickid11

10:30-11:15: Break Time

It’s important that you have breaks and fresh air if you can. Social distancing means you can’t go and play with other people that you don’t live with but you can go outside with your family for a walk, a run in the park or a cycle ride. Don’t stay inside all day.


11:15-12:15: Easter Art

As traditionally we usually spend this week doing a variety of Easter crafts I thought it would be fun to share some Easter activities for you today, and give your parents a bank of stuff to use over the next two weeks if you’d like to.   

Easter Chick Paper Model

Easter Cone Animals Easter Egg Basket Craft Easter Egg Colouring Sheets

12:15-1pm: Lunch 

Have a healthy lunch and go outside again if you can! If not, maybe put on some music and have a lunchtime disco in the house to get your body moving again!

1-2.00 pm: Easter Baking

Follow the video on our St Albert’s Infants You Tube channel of Mr Keddilty in his kitchen making fruit loaf. Mr K’s Kitchen looks like a fun place to be!

Alternatively I have uploaded a couple of recipes for Easter baking activities including biscuits and Easter egg nests. Please remember to take photos of any baking you do and send my way!

Easter Egg Nest Recipe

Easter Egg Biscuit Recipe

2-2:30pm: Break Time

Go outside again if you can or have another disco…or you could do another Cosmickids yoga session in your living room? Keep your body moving!

Or here’s one of my favourite Cosmickids Yoga links…

2:30-3pm: Story and chat

At the end of each day, we will send you stories to listen to/read. Some of these will be read by your lovely St. Albert’s teachers, others might be by famous authors. To get ready for the story:

  • Get a snack and a drink
  • Get somewhere comfy – on cushions/sofa/bed, under a blanket
  • Get one of your parents or a brother/sister to listen with you

Here are today’s stories:

P1-3 Miss Graham has kindly recorded a video of her reading The Dinosaur That Pooped the Bed! I love it!

P4-6 –No No Noe – no. 9 of 30 free David Walliams books over the next 30 days… These short stories are fantastic, you can find the links on David Walliams twitter over the next two weeks, I know I’ll keep listening.


Thursday 2nd April

Good morning everyone, welcome to the second last day of term 3.

Day 9 of no school so see below for a ‘could do’ list for today. We want you and your families to look after each other and think about staying safe first so don’t worry if you can’t do all of this today!



Gym lesson online with Joe Wicks LIVE

9:30-10:30: Literacy

I have been playing around with a literacy website shared with me by Mrs Mcfadden, thank you for this! It’s called Teach Your Monster to Read… it’s great fun.

Have a look and a play. I have organised usernames and log ins for you all. See below and ask an adult to help you log in.

Or, I have also downloaded an Easter word search for you to try. Click on the link to download more… Easter Wordsearch

10:30-11:15: Break Time

It’s important that you have breaks and fresh air if you can. Social distancing means you can’t go and play with other people that you don’t live with but you can go outside with your family for a walk, a run in the park or a cycle ride. Don’t stay inside all day.

11:15-12:15: Maths

As traditionally we usually spend this week doing a variety of Easter crafts I thought it would be fun to share some Easter maths activities with you… take your pick from the selection of work below. You could even use some of this over the next two weeks if you end up stuck for something to do.  

Easter Themed Maths Workbook

Easter Maths Booklet

Easter Joke Multiplication Code Breaker

Easter addition to 20

Easter add and subtract

2d shape chick cutting skills

12:15-1pm: Lunch 

Have a healthy lunch and go outside again if you can! If not, maybe put on some music and have a lunchtime disco in the house to get your body moving again!

1-2.30 pm: Music

How lucky are we to have the gift of Mrs Pattie’s musical talents. She very kindly recorded the video below for you… Enjoy it, I know I did yesterday… I was singing along in my kitchen. Look out for some special guests too! Make sure your family get involved too.

We also have our lovely Clare singing one of our favourites.

If you’d like to try out some digital music experiences check our Chrome Music Lab… you can experiment with chords and drum beats. So cool!

2-2:30pm: Break Time

Go outside again if you can or have another disco…or you could do another Cosmickids yoga session in your living room? Keep your body moving!

2:30-3pm: Story and chat

At the end of each day, we will send you stories to listen to/read. Some of these will be read by your lovely St. Albert’s teachers, others might be by famous authors. To get ready for the story:

  • Get a snack and a drink
  • Get somewhere comfy – on cushions/sofa/bed, under a blanket
  • Get one of your parents or a brother/sister to listen with you

Here are today’s stories:

P1-3 Mrs Pattie has kindly recorded a video of her reading Tabby McTat by Julia Donaldson. A wonderful story full of rhyme.

P4-6 –Nigel Nit Boy – no. 8 of 30 free David Walliams books over the next 30 days… These short stories are fantastic!

And our very own Clare Harker telling the story of ‘Danny and Ibrahim dream big’. Enjoy!

Wednesday 1st April

Can you believe we’re half way through the last week of Term 3? Time is flying past so quickly. As always I wish we were off to Adventure or Swimming followed by a shopping list challenge in the super market.

Day 8 of no school so see below for a ‘could do’ list for today. We want you and your families to look after each other and think about staying safe first so don’t worry if you can’t do all of this today!


Gym lesson online with Joe Wicks LIVE

9:30-10:30: Literacy

Writing- Use your jotter to practise writing the common words in your at home learning pack.

Again if you need some help ask an adult to dot your words for you so you can trace them.

If you need inspiration for more words to practise reading and writing here’s a list of 100 high frequency words…

100 High Frequency Word Mat

Challenge Task- can you make up some silly sentences using your common words!! If so send me some videos of you telling me your silly sentences, or write them down in your jotter… whatever you’d prefer!

10:30-11:15: Break Time

In case you feel like doing some outdoor learning attached are some challenge cards or suggested activities for while you’re outdoors.

Outdoor Activity Cards-click on link to open more challenges. 

11:15-12:15: Maths

We love using our Bee Bots in the infants, this helps us develop our positional language and serves as an introduction for coding. I’ve found a great website where you can create instructions and plan a route for an online Bee Bot. Everyone at home can have a go. Enjoy!


The best way for you to keep practising the right maths for you is through SumDog:

Your log in is in your home learning pack. Please spend today getting online on SumDog and looking at all the lessons you can do there.


Complete one of the numeracy challenge sheets in your home learning pack.

12:15-1pm: Lunch 

Have a healthy lunch and go outside again if you can! If not, maybe put on some music and have a lunchtime disco in the house to get your body moving again!

1-2.30 pm: Science

Use the ‘Science Kids’ website to explore a wide variety of resources and videos so you can learn about subjects you’re interested in. It could be technology or biology!

Glasgow’s very own science centre have provided us with more amazing videos this week… check them out below.

A fantastic video explaining the Spring Equinox…

A video discussing and showing an example of how you can design a planet at home…

We also have our very own Mr Foreshaw talking you through some cool experiments you can try at home… with the help of an adult of course!

2-2:30pm: Break Time

Go outside again if you can or have another disco…or you could do another Cosmickids yoga session in your living room? Keep your body moving!

In case you feel like doing some outdoor learning attached are some challenge cards or suggested activities for while you’re outdoors.

Outdoor Activity Cards

2:30-3pm: Story and chat

At the end of each day, we will send you stories to listen to/read. Some of these will be read by your lovely St. Albert’s teachers, others might be by famous authors. To get ready for the story:

  • Get a snack and a drink
  • Get somewhere comfy – on cushions/sofa/bed, under a blanket
  • Get one of your parents or a brother/sister to listen with you

Here are today’s stories:

P1-3 ME… Mrs Creevy reading one of our favourite books in Class 1 Yoga Babies, we always do the poses as I read and it really helps us relax.

P4-6 –Humbert the Hungry Baby – no. 7 of 30 free David Walliams books over the next 30 days… These short stories are fantastic!

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