Good morning. I hope you are all doing well on this sunny Tuesday morning. The date today is the 21st of April 2020. Can you practice writing your days of the week? Challenge yourself to figure out what tomorrow’s date will be! I hope you all get outside at some point today as the weather is beautiful.
Gym lesson online with Joe Wicks LIVE
9:30-10:00: Literacy
Jolly Phonics- Practise your jolly phonics sounds with the video and do the actions:
Using one of your jotters, practise writing the letters. You can draw the picture from the song too!
Can you write any words?
Use the new BBC Bitesize phonics videos to revise…
First sounds…
Trickier sounds…
Remember to ask an adult to dot your sounds to help with the letter formation!
10:30-11:15: Break Time
11:15-12:15: Maths
Continue to work on yesterday’s maths warm up sheets or alternatively…
The best way for you to keep practising the right maths for you is through SumDog:
Your parents have your log in details.
Remember I can see your results and set the challenges.. this is great to keep me updated with where you’re at.
12:15-1pm: Lunch
1-1.30 pm: Fine Motor Skills
One of the really important aspects of our daily school life is play. These play based experiences help us make sense of the world around us and also assist in our development of fine and gross motor skills which impacts on our cognitive activity and even our pencil grip etc.
I have attached a suggested activity you could try at home to help develop these skills.
1.30-2.30pm: Health and Wellbeing
Cosmic Kids Yoga
Stretch, relax and enjoy the Troll Episode…
2-2:30pm: Break Time
2:30-3pm: Story and chat
At the end of each day, we will send you stories to listen to/read. Some of these will be read by your lovely St. Albert’s teachers, others might be by famous authors. To get ready for the story:
- Get a snack and a drink
- Get somewhere comfy – on cushions/sofa/bed, under a blanket
- Get one of your parents or a brother/sister to listen with you
Here are today’s stories:
P1-3 Miss Graham reading Ginger Nut…
Earnest Ernest – This one is very funny, you can use the link to catch up on any stories missed over the holidays too!