Welcome Back…

Happy Monday and welcome back after the Easter holidays! I’ve missed you all and seeing your photos of what you’ve been up to. Really looking forward to seeing your holiday news work. I will be in touch with each of your families over the next few days to catch up.

Below are some suggested activities to keep you busy today. As always remember to relax and enjoy the learning tasks you choose to do. You have your individual home learning packs and workbooks I have emailed. Feel free to chip away at these if that’s easier for you.


Gym lesson online with Joe Wicks LIVE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ

9:30-10:00: Literacy

Holiday News- Can you sound out with an adult and write a few sentences about what you’ve done over the holidays? Remember to ask an adult to dot your writing if this helps and draw a picture to accompany your writing if you can’t print photographs off. I have attached a News Writing worksheets you can choose to use if you’d rather not use your jotter.

Easter Holiday News

Easter Holiday News 2

Easter Holiday News 3

Mum’s and Dad’s I will email you all to gather up some Holiday News pictures for our blog to help the children stay in touch with each other.

10:30-11:15: Break Time


11:15-12:15: Maths

I have attached some basic number work sheets to warm up your brains after the holidays, you can do a couple of them or mums and dads at home you can help choose the one most appropriate for your child.

Numbers 1-10

Numbers 1 – 20

Numbers 1-50

Here is a couple of counting games we use in class to warm up our brains too!



12:15-1pm: Lunch 

1-1.30 pm: Fine Motor Skills

One of the really important aspects of our daily school life is play. These play based experiences help us make sense of the world around us and also assist in our development of fine and gross motor skills which impacts on our cognitive activity and even our pencil grip etc.

I have attached a suggested activity you could try at home to help develop these skills.

1.30-2.30pm: Art

Try doing some painting and printing work at home with some basic tools you will all have around the house like cutlery!

Miss Milne has prepared a great video tutorial to help show you what to do.


2-2:30pm: Break Time

2:30-3pm: Story and chat

At the end of each day, we will send you stories to listen to/read. Some of these will be read by your lovely St. Albert’s teachers, others might be by famous authors. To get ready for the story:

  • Get a snack and a drink
  • Get somewhere comfy – on cushions/sofa/bed, under a blanket
  • Get one of your parents or a brother/sister to listen with you

Here are today’s stories:

P1-3 Miss Bull reading The Huge Bag of Worries…


Miss Petula Perpetual Motion- I am still enjoying the daily David Walliams books!



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