Homework 10.06.19

This is the last Homework of P4/5!

Can you use this week and next week to write a report on an inspirational person in your life? If you are a Full stop, you can create a poster with as much as this information as possible.

Think about including the following information in your report:

  • Name
  • Age/Date of Birth
  • If dead, when did they die?
  • Where they were born/grew up
  • Where do they live now? (If still alive)
  • Where did they go to school?
  • If famous, what are they famous for?
  • List some of their greatest achievements
  • Any interesting you may be able to find out about them? (This does not have to be linked to what they are famous for.)
  • How do you hope to be like them?
  • How do they inspire you?
  • How have they impacted your life?

If the person is someone you know, you could have an interview with them to find out some of this information too. Think about using some of the questions above to help you with your interview.

Make sure you also include pictures in your report and you also have basic punctuation, layout and structure to your writing. Also, if you are quoting from an interview, or writing down something a person has said word for word, make sure you use speech marks.


This homework should be handed in no later than the 21st of June.


Good Luck and have fun!