Weekly Evaluation 1.3.19

Here are some of the things that we have enjoyed doing this week as part of our learning:

Maryam: I have enjoyed working through the Literacy box as I can challenge myself with the harder levels.

Safa: I enjoyed our trip to Fairfield. I liked seeing how they used to build boats.

Fahad: I enjoyed going to Fairfield because fo the stories we heard.

Umar: I enjoyed learning about equivalent fractions and how to simplify them because it challeneged.

Danial: I enjoyed istenign to the feeling stories from PATHS and writing about times we maybe did not make the right decision.

Yusuf: I had fun making our own boats outside for outdoor learning.

Ahmed: I enjoyed the trip as we got to find out how they made rivets to keep the boats together.

One thought on “Weekly Evaluation 1.3.19”

  1. It was really when we went on the ship because we got to learn some history and if you don’t know history is the best subject in the world 🌎

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