P4/5 Ship building by Hikmah and Maryam

Outside our School in the big yard we were happily playing then Mrs McCafferty  put all of us in groups to build massive ships for our school topic, the history of Scotland and the shipbuilding on the River Clyde.

So then we got loads of sticks, twigs, logs and other natural things but then we all struggled very much to build the ships.

So, we decided to build a class ship together but once again we found it hard to do it because we didn’t have a enough stuff to build it. Luckily, Mr McDonold came with more things that we could use so that was good that Mr McDonold came with the stuff we needed to use to keep our boat together.

Have a lot at some pictures of us building the boat.

Literacy Work…

Here are some examples of some up-levelled sentences we came up with as part of our Literacy work.
We tried to make boring sentences more interesting by adding adjectives, adverbs, additional information and punctuation where needed,

Original sentences:

The band played.
The Police searched the park.
The witch climbed on her broom.
The footballer kicked the ball.
The man walked up the hill.
The cat walked along the wall.

Our examples:

The awesome footballer, Ronaldo, kicked the Premier League ball furiously to score his 100th goal. (Danial)
The creepy, scary witch climbed up onto her old, brown, dusty broom. (Eshal)
The big, fat cat walked slowly along the tall wall. (Navleen)
The creepy cat cheekily climbed up the wall. (Ismaeel)
The awesome band played music. (Bashayer)
The Police searched the haunted park. (Antony)
The angry Police searched the gigantic park. (Fatimah)
The ugly witch climbed ferociously onto her magic, old broom. (Umarah)
The awesome footballer blasted the hard ball into the net. (Umar)
The cat sneaked along the long, brick wall. (Aliyan)
The plucky Police searched the remote and dangerous park. (Yusuf)
The amazing band, Queen, slowly played their wonderful song. (Idris)
The horrifying with climbed onto the haunted broom. (Fahad)
The ninja cat walked along the wall. (Sadeem)
The Police searched the spooky park. (Azaan)
The strict, hard-working Police suspiciously searched the park for evidence. (Hikmah)
The amazing band softly played an awesome song. (Ahmed)
The evil, cackling witch happily climbed onto her broken, old broom. (Safa)
The furious Police angrily searched the haunted park. (Maryam)
The famous footballer blasted the colourful ball into the net. (Jalal)
The old, stinky man walked up the short hill. (Fraser)
The marvellous footballer angrily kicked the dark ball. (Farah)
The ugly witch hopped onto her extremely long broom. (Hasan)

Our Trip to Fairfield. By Danial Nawaz

Our trip to Fairfield  was very exciting .It started with 15 minutes bus ride from St. Albert’s,  our school, to Govan. The bus ride was really boring.

When we arrived we saw the outside of the  museum. It was massive. When we went inside there was lots of mini display cases made of glass with mini structures in them. Chris, a person who works there, told us all about her grandfather William Pierce.

William Pierce was a guy who started as an apprentice then with hard work then then became an architect . That’s a perfect example of if you put your mind to it, you can do it.

Next, we went into groups to look at different ships and models. I  was interested  in the Sea Launch Commander. It’s a massive ship that carries rockets to NASA launch sites to launch them. Its really interesting how they built the sea launch  bit by bit. It must have taken strength, hard work and lots of soggy sweat.

The telephone picture shown above is an old telephone. If you hold the golden cone next to your ear and press a number on the front of the box  you can hear a voice talking.


Weekly Evaluation 1.3.19

Here are some of the things that we have enjoyed doing this week as part of our learning:

Maryam: I have enjoyed working through the Literacy box as I can challenge myself with the harder levels.

Safa: I enjoyed our trip to Fairfield. I liked seeing how they used to build boats.

Fahad: I enjoyed going to Fairfield because fo the stories we heard.

Umar: I enjoyed learning about equivalent fractions and how to simplify them because it challeneged.

Danial: I enjoyed istenign to the feeling stories from PATHS and writing about times we maybe did not make the right decision.

Yusuf: I had fun making our own boats outside for outdoor learning.

Ahmed: I enjoyed the trip as we got to find out how they made rivets to keep the boats together.